Reflections on the tube

Written last night while travelling with the tube….

I sit here. I’m on the tube. I like listening to music when I travel by tube. I sit here and I look around. So many souls travelling with this tube every single day,hour,minute… I like guessing what people are talking about…I like imaging the life they have…we are all souls that feel,love,suffer,exist…
In front of me there is a couple. They both read the same newspaper, they are not holding hands but every now end then they look at each other and talk. You can see how much they live each other by they look in each other eyes. It’s like they eat each others words. Now I’m thinking…wow they are so lucky!!! They are so lucky to have found each other. They are not a young couple, they both have white hair….she wears a flowery dress and he is wearing a suit and a bow…they must be in their 60’s…..he is probably taking her out for theatre or for a meal. I spot they both wear wedding rings. Both rings are simple and She’s not wearing a diamond ring. I wonder how long they been married with each other? I wonder if they ever cheat on each other? I wonder if they have kids together? But all that matters is that they still look at each other like two young kids that just fell in love with each other. How nice…I wonder how many couple get to live this kind of love these days? Probably not many… Now is their time to get off the tube…he gets up, takes her hand, she gets up and they both walk to the door of the train…there’s nothing else I can say…just…beautiful….

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