More chances for that sneaky kiss under the mistletoe with KiddyCharts £1,900 Advent Calendar giveaways

Today on the blog we have a really special lady guest posting – Helen Neale. Helen is a freelancer writer and a blogger that besides writing at and she is the mother of two young children. But she can tell you all about her and her challenges below. 

Oh and she also has a few surprisers for you too!

Thanks so much to Romanian Mum for letting me drop by and see all you lovely people here today. I am going to be a wonderful guest, I swear. See, I brought biscuits, chocolates, and even toys for the gorgeous wee girlies as well *passes imaginary toys around*.

Today I have come all this way to tell you about a very marvellous thing that we are doing on the KiddyCharts blog in the run up to Christmas.

A few years ago, I worked as a business analyst. The late nights, and early mornings that I was having trying to please demanding clients, and demanding children all at the same time, didn’t suit me. Neither did the stickyfingers stained suits I kept turning up in the office in either… I was fed up with the way I couldn’t meet the needs of my kids and my clients without looking and feeling like a Zombie.

KiddyCharts was created out of my ideas for reward charts you can design yourself had my love of writing about my experiences as a parent. A couple of years on, we sell four different kinds of charts, from those designed to help kids eat healthily, to our very popular photo personalised sticker charts.
For about a year, our progress reward charts have been one of the most popular with those parents who visit our site.

Ever keen to please the KiddyCharts’ parents, I have legged it up our stairs, and rummaged about in the Christmas decorations box in our loft. I stole tinsel, a bit of glitter, and even a cardboard cut out of Santa and created a Santa advent calendar based on one of our track charts for you all. What do you think? We rather like him….


Not content with the chaos I caused in the loft, this advent calendar isn’t all that he seems. Each present contains a chocolate Gary Barlow for everyone to nibble on until Christmas Eve…

Oops, sorry, slipped into my fantasy world there again *apologies*, what I meant to say was that inside every single present, there is a brand new giveaway every….single….day.

We have been working flat out and have managed to secure over £1,900 worth of goodies for everyone, including some pretty fantastic prizes already.

The first giveaway popped up on the site on the 1st December *obviously*. This was an amazing prize of a personalised scooter from Micro Scooters. This giveaway ends on Sunday the 8th, so do hurry along and visit it before it is too late.

Each day after this, there has been something else for you to try to win, from vouchers at Experience Days, and Truprint, to a lovely photo personalised book at Love2Read. There really is something for everyone here, including some rather fabulous gifts for him or her, which could just get you the brownie points needed for that extra wee kiss under the Christmas mistletoe… As it’s such a busy time of year, all of the giveaways are open for a whole week, which gives you plenty of time to enter them. So no panicking required.

However, do make sure you pop on over to the advent calendar page now just to make sure you haven’t missed anything. If you would like, you can even sign up to receive a daily alert for the calendar, every time a new giveaway goes live on the site. Just fill out the form below: ​

What are you hanging about for reading this? Pop on over there now, and check out what we have in store for you. Bookmark the page and come back tomorrow as well. Good luck everyone – though I would be quite keen to keep the giveaway for the 9th for myself *hint; it involves chocolate.*

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