My baby girl is not longer a baby


You! You are an amazing little lady! Today you officially finished Year 1 here in Romania! You make me feel so proud! And like your teacher was saying a couple of months ago you are a spectacle!

Although I had doubts about you handling school here after spending only one year in Romania two years ago you just proved that you are an amazing, clever child! You’ve done better than just handling school. You have amazing grades for a child that did’t even know how to speak properly in Romanian because she was still only thinking in English. You even have better grades than some of your colleagues that lived here their whole life.  1st prize for any child is a very good achievement but for you it’s even more than that!

You are a conscientious, kind and sweet little girl that invests time and puts her heart in everything she does – her education, her hobbies – ballet first and now volley, her family and her dear friends. I wish I could be a little bit more like you!

Unfortunately this year you had some bad friendship experiences too but I am proud that you started to tell people know when they upset you and to withdraw when a friendship doesn’t do you good.

I love you and I am looking forward for the years to come.

Kara with her teacher and her little sister



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