Love and marriage
24 years old , Bucharest, single and working in HR. My life was split between work and going out. my only worry was my next outfit for the next day or what i should wear that night for not going out! i always had this complex about looking fat! well i always been a bit rounder than any of my friends or sister, but now i realise that i was looking quite good then. Talks me now that weights 20 kg more than then… i know i know that this is after a pregnancy and all but still…
But let’s get back to 6 years ago…one night on the 18th of December i decided that i had to go out with my sister and my friend G in our favorite club in Bucharest – Club A! there you can just relax and nobody cares how you act, dance or what you wear -and the music is wonderful!no house music or anything like that! nobody knew and especially me that i will meet him there!this bold English guy who was there with his friend! when we finally start talking i was already quite tipsy(maybe a i should day drunk)! i liked the way he was checking me out with those green eyes and i even give him a snog when we first dance! How funny! well after that night i never thought i will see him again! one of the reasons being the fact that he was travelling and soon going back to England! so really it was no reason to think more about it!
But…the sexy English guy called and all is fairytale after… we moved in together, he went back to England and on 19th August 2006 we got married! a really nice and funny wedding in my hometown in Romania!
When i remember those times i feel so warm inside…we use to fall asleep in each other arms and be “romantic” many times a day…hahahah….
I moved in England just after the wedding and a whole different life began! Full of challenges and cringes sometimes!
But our life changed again on the 18th March 2009 when our beautiful daughter was born – after 44 hours of labour and it ended up with a C-section 🙁
So no more romance or laying in bed for a whole day! Now the centre of our world is our little boogie and we put everything aside for her! sometimes we even forget about us. We just want her to be happy and content! Our love is different but more powerful than ever! We cherish more a relaxed evening and cuddles than anything else.
Love is always changing and i am looking forward to see how our love will grow and change for the rest of our life!
Love you my man!
Hold on to that feeling and always make time for each other. Take up all safe babysitting offers too so that you keep the “us” even now you are a “three”
Thank you for your comment. Unfortunatelly we don’t have family around here so it is difficult to find someone to babysit…. i mean nobody ever babysit. i never spent one night away from my daughter since she was born. sometimes i think is nice but scary at the same time?!?!? it is hard to trust somebody else with my baby safety! what do you do?
The Voice From The Abyss
When I can clone myself then Ill trust a babysitter. :o)
Yes i believe so my love!
Oti, m-ai emotionat!am trecut si eu, din nou, treptat, prin toate etapele vietii tale, din momentul in care l-ai cunoscut pe Adi, mutarea ta…plecarea ta in Anglia(cand mi s-a rupt sufletul, pentru ca am realizat ca din acel moment, nu vei mai fi mereu langa mine, pentru ca iti vei intemeia o familie….), nunta!minunata nunta!!!mutarea ta definitiva in Anglia.apoi, venirea Karei!!orele de infern, pentru noi toti, dar mai ales pentru tine!Cum ne schimba viata asta si ne duce unde nu credeam vreodata ca vom ajunge!!Chiar daca nu suntem langa voi, suntem cu gandul si cu sufletul aproape de voi!sunt convinsa ca e greu…insa, Adrian este un om deosebit!aveti o fetita superba!universul nostru al tuturor!iar, tu…tu esti cel mai bun lucru din viata mea!!!te iubesc!!!!puuuup si miss u!!!
Da iubita mea surioara si eu te iubesc mult si imi lipsesti tare de tot!
The Perfect Romance Experiment
Things definitely do change after having kids! I wouldn’t change it for the world though, we did have to remember to allow some time to be a couple though. We had got so caught up in baby stuff that we had almost stopped talking to each other, luckily we realised and now make effort to watch films and talk more. Just little things but they are what keep you close I think and that’s so important especially after having children :). Thanks for linking up x
otilia stocks
Thanks for having me 😉