My daughter – Miss K
My baby daughter is 2 today…how fast the time passes is really amazing! She is so beautiful and she knows so many things. 2 years since i was pregnant! I remember that i was still in labour 2 years ago at this exact time! How hard it was and how painful….and boogie arrived after 44 hours of intense labour..and unfortunately still after a C-section. I really wanted to have a water birth and was really excited about it! But unfortunately i didn’t… Probably it was the fact that boogie was a heavy baby as well. She weighted 9lbs 11oz (4.430kg). But that is mummy fault! She ate ice cream every single night in the last 2 months….
Here are a few pictures with my lovely daughter:
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Oh dear, oh dear! she’s adorable. she grew up so much. Time does passes very quickly. i look at Sophie, she’s only 9 months but she looks so growen up already. I miss her tiny hands and her tiny body and her cute cry, but I love it now that she is more responsive. she can give “pupa” to mamma and dada, she can clap hands and more importantly she can show affection. and that matters so much. think of all the things she give’s you. all the new things she learns. it’s so much joy. I know they’re so cute when they’re little, but it compensates in time. 🙂 Happy Birthday, beautiful Kara! Kisses from Australia.
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Kids are growing too fast indeed!