Jibberish and holidays - Romanian Mum Blog
Tonight i am by myself. Adrian is out for drinks and Kara is asleep in her cot. I was just reading about the competition on Tots 100 website and decided to write about our family holidays as well. The winner is suppose to get a family trip to Camelot courtesy to Best Western – So here it is. As i am Romanian the majority of our holiday are spent in my home country – Romania. With my mum, dad , aunties, uncles, cousins and friends…so all is about family. Last time we went home in May for one of my cousins wedding. Family and holiday go together even the majority doesn’t believe so. When we are home with my parents, for us is a time to relax and go out with our friends from there while our lovely daughter stays in my parents care. And my parents enjoy it so much because really they don’t get to spend enough time with their grand daughter. They love every minute and my lil’ daughter loves it too. For us, holiday means spending time with our extended family. For us this time is so precious because it happens only for around 2-3 weeks a year. For the rest of the time we are on our own here in cold London – my hubby,my daughter and my lovely me. For us is the best thing in the whole world! For us it means a lot just to spend time in my parents garden having a coffee while my daughter plays with her toys… For us it’s a relaxing time just walking around my home town. Forget the beach and the hot sand we are the happiest spending time together!!! Like this Article? Subscribe to Our Feed!