10 Things i hate my hubby for…
I should probably stop here….and just delete this post now before i even start writing it…but well i am sure that hubby will not mind me writing it so here it comes….Firstly i need to tell you that i truly love my husband lots and lots but sometimes he just pisses me off with the things he is doing! Bless him…sometimes is just because he just wishes to help me around the house but as men usually do sometimes is just not enough for us nasty women! Ha ha
I hate when:
- My husband takes care of putting all dirty dishes in the dishwasher by emptying them from the sink but never actually cleans the sink or around it – he always leaves a really bad mess around it;
- I need to complain about the fact that i always vacuum before he actually picks it up and starts doing it-usually i do it before he even thinks about it;
- He feels up the washing machine with clothes and sets it up but always forgets to empty it;if i just wait to see how long they will stay there it could take 24 hours until he realizes;
- He takes the washing of the line and folds it (bless him) but just leaves everything on the bed and waits for me to put them in the wardrobe;
- He is looking for a certain something everywhere and never asks me about it-in the end he gets annoyed but all this time “the things” was just sitting next to him;
- He says “Don’t worry i will clean the bathroom” but days are going by and i am still the one that does it;
- He piles his footwear on top of my footwear-his works is a lot messier than mine and i just don’t like when he does it;
- He says “i still love you” when i complain about the fact that i put too many kilos on;
- He spoils boogie too much and buys her sweets while they are out shopping-and that usually happens when i am waiting for them with lunch-so of course she will not eat her lunch;
- He makes a wind in bed-i feel sick and every thought of romance just goes out of the door.
Really as i said before i love him a lot and we married for love but like in any marriage sometimes he can piss me off! Ha ha ha
Hre is a picture with him as well!
What do you think? Do you have any hates to share?
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MrsB @ crankymonkeys in london
Everyone has things that their other half does that annoy them 🙂 Hopefully he’s read the post and will try to annoy you a little less from now on 🙂
Yes I think if he will see this he will laugh! I’m not pushing him to read it though but he knows exactly what bothers me 😉
He’s become a bit of a legend now in the blogging world!
I know! You and calling him the “romaniandas” when he is actually british x
This is the sweetest, and sanest, post I have ever read. You are, without doubt, actually totally in love with your husband 🙂
Yup i have to agree! LOL!