My take on C-section

When I heard the news regarding the C-section I was a bit puzzled as I did not expect this to happen in UK.
They are saying the cost will be huge and that this will change the way NHS will work. I am sure of one thing! It will be a big change of course! For someone who had to have an emergency C-section after 44 hours of complete agony I think that this is a good step forward. They only considered me on establish labour only for 24 hours and they insisted that my hips are wide enough to have a natural birth-they already knew that my baby was quite big at 9lbs 11(4.430 kg). At least when boogie was in danger they decided that it was time for a c-section and they had to act fast. Thanks GOD they did! My boogie is now a healthy child now and hopefully she will have a life full of happiness.
No matter what Vanessa says in her article I know she is not entirely right. In my case C-section was not because I was TOO POSH TO PUSH it was a necessity and my pain and waiting could’ve been stopped by just giving me the choice to choose then what I wanted to do! Pointless to say I was for a natural birth! I wanted to give birth as natural as possible and my first option was a water birth-but from dreams to reality is a big difference.
As you know I’m Romanian and in Romania you can choose to have a C-section. You can actually choose the day you want to have the C-section done which can sound pretty weird for my British readers. But we should have an option to it! Maybe not from the beginning but if a woman is in agony she should have the right to requested and not wait for the mercy of the midwives and doctors like I did. Like Vanessa says a C-section is not a walk in the park! And I know so well that it isn’t! I was in so much pain as my anesthetiser was wearing off, the first 12 hours after the operation were so hard! But the recovery after that didn’t take longer and even if I have a scar on my belly I don’t mind it! I love having it there!
One of the things that NICE could propose is for NHS to charge for any C-section operation that has no medical reasoning. This is what happens in Romania and if the Romanian women can afford it I don’t see why not here? Like this NHS will earn some money as well if an operation is just done because….
If you are pregnant and thinking about it please read more information here on the NHS website But bear in mind this is not yet set in stone yet. I do hope that by the time I will have my second baby though it will be settled as I really don’t want to go through all that pain and agony again! Sorry for being such a wimp but I do prefer a simple C-section instead of a hard labour and then C-section!
If you are thinking about it please do not be ashamed to admit it and support it! I will!

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  • catsyellowdays

    I’m afraid the new guidlines only apply to women who decide to have a c-section in advance (an ‘elective’) but would not affect those who plan for a natural birth but then change their minds while in labour. This would still be an ’emergency’ c-section and that would only be done when the doctors decided it was needed as the risks of the operation once you are already in labour are greater. I don’t think that is actually much different to what happens already.

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