Sad post
If you follow me on twitter you already know that today is been a sad day for me and my family…. My FIL had a stroke so we have to go up north to Leeds to see him. This trip might be the last we take to go and see him… He is 83 years old and unfortunately feeling very fragile and I am note sure how long he will go on for.
My BIL said that he has moments when he is unconscious. He is in the hospital obviously and we are afraid that if we don’t get there in time we not get to say goodbye…
You might be reading this when I’m already on my way to Leeds or probably already there.
I just feel so sad…feeling sad because we might not get see him and say goodbye…I am sad because my daughter will never get to know her grandfather as well as she will get to know my parents…I am sad because if we will have more kids my future kids will never get to meet their grandfather…I am sad because he will never get to see them growing up…and sharing a wedding or birthdays with him…
Oh I feel like crying now….God Bless you Dad…and I really hope that you will be well at least just a bit longer…
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I hope you managed to get there in time and share those precious moments before they are gone
MrsB @ crankymonkeys in london
That sucks. We had to say good-bye to my kids’ grandfather earlier this year. It sucked.
Oh it was so hurtful yesterday…he didn’t recognise me but worse he didn’t recognise my husband well. Ke kept thinking he was at home but of course he is in hospital. He’s not well at all…
Love In The Nest
Oh hun 🙁 My nan had a stroke a few years back. It’s so sad xxx Big hugs xxx