Tinga Tinga Tales Application

Apps!!! We love them and the iPad and iPhones that we posses! This is why when Entertainment One offers to send me one of their new applications for review I will never say NO!
On 18th November – Leading interactive games publisher P2 Games announced that the first ever app based on the popular CBeebies pre-school show, Tinga Tinga Tales, is now available on the App Store. With this new app, children can interact with their favourite animal characters in the safari world of Tinga Tinga Tales on iPad, iPhone or iPod touch.

Bursting with vibrant art and sounds, Tinga Tinga Tales includes 9 fun mini-games with three difficulty settings so children can have fun while learning at their own pace. This application is aimed for 3-6 year olds so its not quite there for my little one. She is only 32 months old now. Boogie tried the application but to tell you the truth she was not that interested in it as she never watched Tinga Tinga Tales before. In my opinion this application is quite interactive and we are sure that boogie will love it later on. There is quite a wide variety of games Which is quite good for the price £1.49.

Nine mini-games include:

• MONKEY’S MANGOES – Monkey loves mangoes! Help him avoid the green mangoes and catch the ripe orange ones before they fall to the ground.

• YUMMY FLIES! – Tap on the flowers to help Chameleon catch as many flies as possible to eat.

• CLEVER CHAMELEON – Help Chameleon disappear by tapping on the correct pattern that matches his surroundings.

• SNAPPY CROC – Crocodile is trying to spoil Hippo’s swim. Tap on his head before he disappears.

• FIND LIZARD – Lizard always hides under rocks. Tap on the right rock to find him in a classic game of hide and seek.

• GREEDY TORTOISE! – Guide Tortoise to his heavenly feast in the clouds, but watch out for the birds!

• I’M NOT A ROCK! – Tortoise is trying to cross the land of TingaTinga, but other animals mistake him for a rock! He needs help!

• ANIMAL MISMATCH – The animals are all jumbled! Slide the animal parts in place to create your favourite Tinga Tinga Tales characters.

• BATH TIME! – Help Elephant wash the dusty animals clean.

The Tinga Tinga Tales App is now available for £1.49 from the App Store on iPad, iPhone and iPod touch or at www.itunes.com/appstore.

Direct link: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tinga-tinga-tales/id473672492?ls=1&mt=8

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