The Goat and Her Three Kids
In romanian this fable is named “Capra cu trei iezi”(written by Ion Creanga) – i used to love this fable when i was a child. So for all my followers that are romanians and have a biliungual family see the below translation in english as well as in romanian. However this is only part of it, just the song.
Trei iezi cucuieţi
Uşa mamei descuieţi!
Că mama v-aduce vouă:
Frunze-n buze,
Lapte-n ţâţe,
Drob de sare
În spinare,
În călcăieş,
Smoc de flori
Pe subsuori.
Three kids with growing horns,
Open the door for your mother!
Because mother is bringing you:
Leaves on her lips,
Milk in her teats,
A ball of salt
On her back,
On her heel,
A tuft of flowers
In her armpits.
This fable is quite funny isn’t it? The translation of what is said above is:
The fable opens with an introduction of the protagonists: the hardworking and widowed goat and her three kids, of whom the two older ones are misbehaved, while the youngest obeys his mother. On one day, the goat gathers all three around, telling them that she must leave on a quest for food, instructing them not to open the door unless they hear her singing the above. This is like a song that a mum will sing to her children and it brings nice memories.
For my fellow romanians see below a video with the story read by Mihail Sadoveanu:
Coombe Mill
Lovely that you keep the fable going with your children. We have plenty of goats with naughty kids at Coombe Mill, I can see why the fable is based on goats!
Thank you. I like keeping the tradition and teaching my daughter the stories I was taught when I was a child. Romanian folklore is vast and full of fantastic tales and traditions. I will post more in the days that are coming and maybe months.
Regarding the visit we would love to come and visit soon. Maybe next weekend.