10 Reasons I LOVE my husband for….
Don’t laugh! If you already read my previous post 10 Things I hate my hubby for.. then you will know why I have to write this post as well LOL
Well I just don’t want to be misinterpreted and let you think that I actually hate my husband.
So here it is – I love my husband because:
1. He loves me back!
2. He loves me the way I am – slim, pregnant or fat!
3. Because he is the best dad in the world!
4. He is a DOG person like me – we both hate cats!
5. We like the same kind of music – ok ok he is a bit more of a rocker than I am! And even more now that I am a mum.
6. He has a great ass!
7. He knows how to make me feel sexy – just by looking at me.
8. He looks a bit like Bruce Willis – always had a crush on this actor.
9. He likes my parents more than I do.
10. He got me pregnant and we have the most sweet and beautiful girl in the world.
The Last Slayer
Oh my goodness, she is such little beauty x
Thank you darling! x
Ahhhhh! You romantic thing you! We all love him too 😉
The Voice From The Abyss
My own fan club. Awwww shucks, I don’t know what to say.
T-shirts and badges will be available soon.
To the last slayer. Thanks, our boogie is a little beauty. The black n white version of the last picture is better though.
To romanian mum. You will always be my special Romanian lady. Love you loads. (more than 10 reasons ;o) )
T-shirts, Brucie?! Surely Die Hard-style white vests are more appropriate, no?!
Lovely post, lovely family.
What Musodad said ! Ditto!
Claire Louise
Hun she is so beautiful, now that’s a reason to be proud.x