2011 was….
The below is just a highlight of the things that happen to me in 2011.
There is nothing major I guess but just things that are important to me and changed me as a person.
2011 was the year when:
– I turn 31 which in my eyes makes me a mature person-that’s it now there is no was back;
– I stopped using Citalopram and started to take the life events straight on;
– my daughter turn 2 years old;
– last August we celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary;
– last December we celebrated 7 years since my hubby and I met;
– Finished decorating our bathroom in the house in Romania-well almost as we still need to finish the shower;
– we didn’t have a proper holiday;
– my father in law had a stroke which caused a bit of a heart break and make us realised how short our lives are;
– my work place decided for more redundancies to take place – which meant that I took on a different kind of job too;
– I started working in the centre of London – Oxford circus;
– I restarted watching ER;
– I put back all the weight I lost following in 2010;
– we decided that we will probably not move home next year;
– I didn’t get pregnant;
– I visit my sister in Italy;
– my sister and I went to the Take That concert;
– I started blogging more and met some really lovely mummy bloggers.

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MrsB @ crankymonkeys in london
Ups and downs, good and bad – sounds like you had a totally normal year 🙂 I hope 2012 will bring you more of the good stuff you wish though!
I know…nothing fantastic or too bad happened! Hm…I wthink I need a challenge!