Do you know the song “Better” sang by Boyzone? I love the song! I think that it describes very well the relationship that my husband and I have right now.
The fall in love time is long past-around 5-6 years ago it was a different deal. We didn’t have kids or responsibilities. I was only 24 years old,I had a job that was paying my bills and that’s about it. We were together but unsure of how our future will look like. And we didn’t worry too much either. He was on a break living in a foreign country with his mates. I was young and aspiring to a fulfilling career in human resources.
Soon I realised that my life and career wouldn’t mean a lot if I had to spend my life without him.
He had to go back to his country and work so then we realised that living apart didn’t work we had to be together.
We worked on that 😉 soon enough we got married and i moved in with him in London. I never thought that I will ever gave up myself for a man! But I did and I don’t regret it.
We’ve now been married 5 years and have a beautiful and smart daughter that makes us smile every day.
Life is not always perfect – hence my postnatal depression – but in some ways is better. We know each other very well. We know what to aspect from each other and even we have our misunderstandings and fights, we love each other more. It’s better! I love the fact that whenever I’m sad or happy I have my husband there to share it. I’m happy that I sacrificed my so said career in human resources for the life I have now.
We might not have as much as other couples(material things i mean) but we are happy. And everyday we are better.
Our love has changed…but it feels that it change in better. We make things better for each other and every day feels better because we gave someone we love to share it with.
This is such a lovely post. It reminded me (just in case i forgot!) what a fantastic, supportive husband I have. Our relationship has also grown over time, from 2 carefree young things into the family we are today 🙂 We’ve both made sacrifices along the way but it was also worth it!
I happy that you’ve got each other and realise how lucky you are 🙂
Have a great day!
Thank you my dear. How long you’ve been together?
We’ve been together for about 10 years now! 🙂
wow that is a long time
MrsB @ crankymonkeys in london
That is very sweet, it’s wonderful when love grows and changes and becomes something rock solid 🙂
It is actually really nice when you realize what you have. Of course we have our downs as well but either then that we are happy.
The Voice From The Abyss
Thank you for saying that Mrs B 😉
The Perfect Romance Experiment
That is so lovely. Love definitely grows and changes over the years. I love the secure stage it gets to where you know each other so well. I am still on a mission to try and make it a bit more exciting again though! Thanks for linking up! x
I am trying that too! Although is kind of hard as we live in a one bedroom apartment and…we have no family here to help either 🙁