Mihai Eminescu and his heritage
Mihai Eminescu is the national poet of Romania.
His poems will be read by young people in schools and not only for years and years to come. He was born on January 15,1850, in Botosani in the Province of Moldavia. As his is just around the corner i thought i should share with you my love for his poetry. Mihai Eminescu was highly intelligent,an avid reader,and had a wide range of interests. At the age of 14 he ran away with a theatre company and traveled throughout Romania.
At the age of 16 he was already interested in the Romanian language and culture, and published his first poem. Between 1869-1972 , Eminescu went to Vienna to study at the University, where he enthusiastically absorbed the works of the great philosophers. in 1872 comeback briefly in Romania and published a lot of his literary work before he left the country to obtain his doctorate at the University of Berlin. In Berlin he became interested in mythology, the history of religion, law and history, and even the Sanskrit language.
Later in Romania he held he held a number of positions, including editor of the newspaper Timpul, where he gained fame and a reputation as an insightful journalist. In the meantime he continued to write and publish poetry.
Apart from his work and poetry Eminescu was indifferent to the material world, to events occurring around him and social conventions. He was indifferent to wealth or the lack of it and class distinctions. His life become unstable and often lived only on narcotics and stimulants, excesses of tobacco and coffee.
Then at the age of 33, Eminescu’s health deteriorated and he began to suffer from periodic fits of madness. He spent the last six years of his life in and out of sanitariums, boy in Romania and abroad. He died in Bucharest on 15th of June 1889.
His legacy remains and he will always be Romania national poet.
Tot Românul plânsu-mi-s-a
Ca nu mai poate strabate
De-atâta strainatate.
Din Hotin si pân� la Mare
Vin Muscalii de-a calare,
De la Mare la Hotin
Mereu calea ne-o atin;
Din Boian la Vatra Dornii
Au umplut omida cornii
Si strainul te tot paste,
De nu te mai poti cunoaste.
Sus la munte, jos la vale
Si-au facut dusmanii cale;
Din Satmar pâna �n Sacele
Numai vaduri ca acèle.
Vai de biet Român saracul,
Indarat tot da ca racul,
Nici îi merge, nici se �ndeamna,
Nici îi este toamna toamna,
Nici e vara vara lui
Si-i strain în tara lui.
Dela Turnu �n Dorohoiu
Curg dusmanii în puhoiu
Si s�aseaza pe la noi;
Si cum vin cu drum de fier,
Toate cântecele pier,
Sboara paserile toate
De neagra strainatate.
Numai umbra spinului
La usa crestinului.
Isi desbraca tara sânul,
Codrul � frate cu Românul �
De secure se tot pleaca
Si isvoarele îi seaca �
Sarac în tara saraca!
Mânca-i-ar inima cânii,
Mânca-i-ar casa pustia
Si neamul nemernicia.
Stefane, Maria Ta,
Tu la Putna nu mai sta,
Las� Arhimandritului
Toata grija schitului,
Lasa grija Sfintilor
In sama parintilor,
Clopotele sa le traga
Ziua �ntreaga, noaptea �ntreaga,
Doar s�a �ndura Dumnezeu
Ca sa-ti mântui neamul tau!
Tu te �nalta din mormânt
Sa te-aud din corn sunând
Si Moldova adunând.
De-i suna din corn odata,
Ai s�aduni Moldova toata,
De-i suna de doua ori
Iti vin codri �n ajutor,
De-i suna a treia oara
Toti dusmanii or sa piara
Din hotara în hotara,
Indragi-i-ar ciorile
Si spânzuratorile!
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