My 2011 Highs and Lows

I did write a different post about my last year 2011 but the other week the lovely lady that blogs as A hell of a woman tagged me to take part and share my highs and lows with the world.She was also tagged by a different blogger – Kate over at Kate On Thin Ice – that set the rules:

1. Answer the 12 questions set by Kate
2. Tag as few or as many people as you like to do the same
3. Leave a comment on Kate’s original post here so she can have a read of your answers

1. What was your happiest event?

I had many happy moments. I felt happy every time I look at my daughter and see her how she blossoms every singe day. I felt happy when she finally my daughter called me mummy. For a while she use to call me nanyI felt happy when we finally finished the renovation of the house in Romania-had of It anyway the other still needs to be built.
I felt happy as I managed to meet a lot of the mummy bloggers i talk to online at the events I participated this year. I like to think they are my friends now.
Either than that there was nothing major!

2. What was the saddest thing to happen?

I was really sad when some of my friends were made redundant in october. I lost friends. Friends that I use to see every single day for the past 5 years.
I felt sad every time my depression and my anger issues reappeared. Hopefully they will get solved this year.

3. What was the most unlikely thing to happen that actually went ahead and did?

The redundancies at my work place. We were promised only a couple of months before it happened that this will not happen. Geeh I am way too implicated in my job!

4. Who let you down?

I let myself down. I thought that I was stronger and that I will be able to overcome my mental health. I let myself down because input back on the weight I lost the previous year. I thought I will be thin by now.

5. Who supported you?

My husband and I love him even more for that. Sometimes I wonder how he copes with me and my moods. He just takes over whenever he sees me feeling Down.
My mummy blogger friends – thank you so much for supporting me and not making me feel alone.

6. Tell us one thing you learned

That sometimes you just need to let go!

7. Tell us one thing that made you laugh

My daughter cracks me out all the time by saying things like “silly mummy/daddy”, “be careful mummy/daddy” and by telling us off every time we did something wrong or understood something wrong.
My fellow mummy and daddy bloggers on twitter. Come and check them out.

8. Tell us one thing that made you cry

Oh I cried so much last year! A word, a situation or even a sad movie make me cry.
I cried because I felt sad and because I felt happy.

9. Tell us three things your child or children did to make you feel proud

My daughter makes me feel proud every single day, minute and seconds. I think the highs might be – she learn to count in both romanian and english, she is a very kind and educated little child, her language is very developed for a 2 year old, she is very good at puzzles and teachers praise her all the time. I am proud because she is my daughter and I love her and anything she will do will make me proud.

10. Tell us one thing that made you proud of yourself

Nothing makes me feel proud about myself unfortunately….

11. Tell us one challenge you overcame

Surviving this very difficult year in my life.

12. Tell us three things you would like to change about your life in 2011

I need to define my mental illness problems. I thought it was/is depression but I think there is more than that.
I would love if I could find a way to lose my extra weight. Diets don’t work. I need to change the way I think about food.
I would love to change my job and start doing something that will give me the chance to spend more time with my daughter.

I’m now going to tag the following bloggers to see what they want to share about 2011:

Katie at Snugglebubby
Mrs B at Cranky monkeys
Lucy at Lish concepts
Claire at A boy with Aspergers
Nikki at Mussings of a stressy mummy

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  • Katie Vyktoriah (Snugglebubby)

    I love your answers, and I will post mine as soon as I can.

    It makes me sad that you can’t think of anything to be proud of yourself about. Let’s see if I can help:

    1. You have a beautiful, healthy, well-adjusted, clever little girl who YOU have put a lot of effort into and who is turnout out brilliantly.

    2. You have a husband who loves you unconditionally. That is not something that just happens. It takes something special for a man to be devoted to you, even if you have your down moments. He loves you because you are you.

    3. You have an amazing fashion sense, and whether or not you have the body you want UNDER your clothes, you always look fabulous.

    4. You consistently join in and support your fellow mummy bloggers and take the initiative to help them out whenever you can, even if it’s just by spreading their tweets, linking to their posts or leading a group on LAB.

    5. You seem to be a fantastic cook. I look at all your recipes, and I am always wanting to try them for myself, as you make them look so good!

    There – 5 things off the top of my head. That was easy! Imagine if I knew you better!! 😉

  • MrsB @ crankymonkeys in london

    I agree with everything Katie says!

    I’m not sure I want to just yet look back at 2011 AGAIN, but give me a week or so 🙂

    You know that my depression is helped a lot by running (and that keeps my weight in check, I guess) but I know running is not for everyone, so I’m not going to preach “go running”. I think the first step is to walk a lot and the second step is not to snack in front of the TV at night (which I find HARD not to do 😐 )… I’m now buying nice strong tasting teas (indian spiced tea, aniseed, liquirice, etc.) and have that when I veg on the couch in the evening… or if I MUST eat something, I eat almonds or prunes 😛

    I’m sure 2012 will be good for you – you are ready for it to be good 🙂

  • Otilia

    Oh dear Mrs B i will try and go for a run. They say is bad for your bones though..if i only had the time and a babysitter for my daughter. Then i will have lots of time…

  • Otilia

    Katie-you are so lovely.Thank you for saying all these things about me. One of the biggest problems i have is the fact that i don’t like myself at all and i am very critic with myself as well. Is like a circle i can’t get out off. I am trying to at least like one thing about me…
    I think i read what you wrote around 10 times since yesterday. I will keep doing it and maybe i will start believing them.

  • MsXpat

    Awww thanks for sharing. Aren’t husbands great! Happy to know I was not alone with the tears last year. Here’s to 2012 a year of JOY :0) Continue to enjoy your daughter and development, its an interesting time.

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