Words of Wisdom - 17/1 - Romanian Mum Blog
Rudeness is the weak man’s imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer You might wonder why I wrote the above, Well as you know I use the Underground every single day. Sometimes I just ignore people around me but sometimes I just can’t help from getting annoyed at how rude some people are. Men just struck me with their ignorance! Tonight there was a really pregnant lady waiting for the train. Next to her a guy who couldn’t wait to get one so he snitched in front of her! Why do you think he was in such a hurry? Well he spotted that there was an empty seat! The empty seat happened to be a reserved seat. He just sat down and ignored the very heavy pregnant lady!!! A seat was offered to the pregnant lady by another woman and the guy just sat there! So…if you are a guy and you use the public transport on a daily basis or not BE POLITE! Being polite feels nice especially when you do something for a pregnant lady. Like this Article? Subscribe to Our Feed!