Words of Wisdom – 31/1
Finally! Today is the last day of my daily Words of Wisdom. Phew! I can’t believe that I actually succeed to post the WOW every single day. I have to admit that it worked. At the end of each day I was looking forward to come home and write it. Writing it brought achievement and happiness at the end of every day. True sometimes my Words of Wisdom were kind of sad…but well life has its sad moments to isn’t it?
I will continue to write this but it will mostly be a weekly thing. I think it will be a Sunday or Monday thing. Will keep you posted.
Hope you enjoyed reading my WOW and if you think that I should continue with this as a daily thing would really appreciate if you could let me know.
My words of wisdom for today are by Albert Einstein:
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.”
I’m sorry there is no picture today. Posting from my phone and I don’t even have 3G 🙁
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Lovely saying.
Thank you my dear