My happy picture
Every time i look at us in this picture i feel happy. I think this is our “First Family Picture”.
The picture was taken by my brother in law David, in Romania on the day we baptised(ziua botezului) my daughter. And goodness me she cried a lot! You see she was almost 6 months old back then so quite old for a ceremony like this. In the orthodox religion baptising is done by sinking the whole body in the water. And of course my daughter didn’t like that at all.
When i look at this picture i see us as a family and this is why i love it:
My Family |
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MrsB @ crankymonkeys in london
Beautiful! 🙂
😉 Thank you xx
Boo Roo and Tigger Too
Gorgeous picture hun x
Thank you Hun x
Older Mum
Lovely picture !!!!!! You look glowing!
Thank you hun
Beautiful, you both look very proud 🙂
Thank you. We were.
Lisa Gusto
What a beautiful pic!!! XXX L
X thank you
I Want My Mummy
Gorgeous family alert!
I love seeing family pics like this (I’m nosey!), really lovely photo
What a lovely thing to say x thank you
Rollercoaster Mum
what a lovely picture – you all look so happy x
We were indeed x