I sleep…or i think i do…i dream…sometimes…dreams are weird and scary…
I wake up….and…still feel tired…i wake up and take a while to remember what is true and what is not….
I lay…i hug…and drink…it feels like i will wake up soon…
I run around…i clean…myself and others…i run…i kiss and hug…i say goodbye…i run…i shuffle…i get annoyed…i run…i travel…i stand..i get annoyed…i sit…but is too late…i run again…i get there…is too wet…i get cold…i say hello…i sit…and sit…i drink…i work…i talk…i ask…i wonder..i fix…i miss…i eat..i wish…i learn…i get annoyed…feel like screaming…i leave…say goodbye…i cry…i run…and run…i travel…i stand…get in…i kiss and hug…i could hug forever…i lay…i eat…i watch..i argue…i wish….i write….I sleep.
Older Mum
That was a very powerful post – could be the summary of my day too.
oh honey…do you think? sometimes i wonder….if too much routine is good….