Words of Wisdom 28/5

We were blessed with a really nice weather in London for the past week. Finally the long waited summer arrived and it was really hot as well! I’m sure you all enjoyed it and you spent lots of I’ve outdoors. We did too! My daughter even enjoyed preparing and getting dressed for nursery as she was able to wear her dresses with ought tights every day. As we only have a balcony and the apartment was quite hot we spent most of our weekend outdoors.
We visited our fantastic Dean City Farm situated in Colliers Wood on Saturday.

If you live around the area then you know it’s a cool place for kids. If you don’t know it you need to visit it. Your kids can even ride the pony for 1£ – only t 3pm Saturday and Sunday. Lots of animals around from chickens to pigs and cows.
Sunday we hit Tooting Bec Common very early on Saturday and The Rookery in Streatham Common in the afternoon.
My daughter enjoyed the park and especially playing in the grass.

All in all it was a fantastic weekend. Time spent with family is so precious but a sunny day can always make it even more precious.
Here are my Words of Wisdom for today:

There is a joy that comes to light
When sunny days appear
A sense of warmth, both bold and bright
Each time the skies are clear
A moment’s peace, a sacred calm
And stillness, all day through
We can behold within our palm
When sunshine is in view.

Enjoyment, in its purest sense
Can thrive on sunny days
For when blue skies and sun commence
Our cares are swept away
Basking beneath this golden glow
We shall forever find
The beauty we have come to know
Where once, the world seemed blind.

Much promise is held in the beams
When sunny days emerge
For in the rays, we see our dreams
As more than thoughts we’ve purged
A sense of hope, a sense of worth
And love to last, always
Shall evermore reign ‘cross the earth
When we seize sunny days.

Jill Eisnaugle’s Poetry Collection

Hopefully it will stay sunny now even though I enjoy the occasional rain…

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