Forgiving brings happiness. I think this is what my friend Suzie wanted to say when say the following words of Facebook:
I think it’s something we need to practice on a daily basis…just letting the little things go will help with the big things. I started by forgiving people who would knock into me/rush past me on the way to work. It’s amazing the difference you feel when you just say to yourself ‘it’s ok’ rather than getting annoyed. This really helped me with the bigger things xxxx
She is a good friend that I met in real life. Her words hunt me at the moment…LOL. But I am trying to forgive the little things like she says above. It is difficult, mostly when someone pushes me around in the public transport or just ignores my “Baby on board” badge and shoves their book or newspaper in their face.
It is difficult but my friend is right – forgiving brings happiness. You should try it too.
Please check out my friend Facebook page.
The link to her blog did not work for me x
She just bought her domain on Thursday so it might take a while. She can be found on twitter though as @feelgoodmama