Desktop picnic

Picnic at my desk! How cool is this concept?! The other week the lovely people from Morrisons send me a hamper formed of cold deserts and decorations for my work desk.

Even artificial grass – “faux grass”! So good for when is raining outside. Is like being in the park! Somehow…

I love eating my lunch outside when is sunny but if that is not possible then i can have a picnic at my desk with the help of the grass!

Here are a couple of pictures that my hubby took when i got home!
And yes that is a bottle of wine! But please believe me i didn’t drink it yet! It’s still on my shelf. I did think that maybe i should open it for my colleagues friday after work but then…changed my mind. I will keep it and enjoy it after my baby is born!
My favourite desert was the cheesecake! So damn yummy! You have to try it! It is from the Morrisons M Kitchen range. Really good indeed! And is only 3£ at the moment.
My daughter however loved the Bistro Lemon/Raspberry Posset.
I know it was meant for my office desk but how could I not share some of the goodies with her ?!?
Look how much she enjoyed it!
So why not get yourself some “faux grass” and have a picnic with Morrisons M Kitchen desert at your desk! The weather is still pretty horrible so picnic in the park is not an option at the moment.

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