Words of Wisdom 16/7
I’ve been dwelling over the keeping the “Words of Wisdom” series or not for the past couple of weeks. The same themes are going through my mind and ideally don’t want to make these posts something boring to read or something that my adders will delete as soon as it arrives in their inbox.
I will keep it going for another 4 weeks though and try and think of themes that are more interesting.
For this week I thought that a good theme will be PLAY.
“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”
George Bernard Shaw
Also if you would like to join my weekly meme you can do so.
You can post on a Monday or any day until the end of the week – Sunday.
The quote can be from a movie, book or even your own.
Next week I will choose my favourite quote and mention you in my post.
Now fingers cross and hopefully somebody will join me.
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