Pregnancy diary 26 weeks and giveaway

I’m not sure that this diary, my pregnancy diary is like all the other pregnancy diaries around the blogosphere. I seem to complain lot and write about bad things…:(
I am going try and concentrate on the goods things as much as I can tough.
This is how my baby – for which we don’t know the gender just yet – is suppose to look like this week. Today I’m 26 weeks pregnant exactly:
Apparently the baby is now almost 35.6 cm long from crown to heel, and weighs about 760 grams. Isn’t this amazing? Looking at mydaughter I remember that when she was born she was about 53 cm long so the baby is now almost there. Hopefully by the time the baby will be born it will not get to my daughters weight 4.430 kg as I’m really hoping that this time I will be able to give birth naturally.
I can really feel the fact the baby is bigger right now though…as it put strain on my back and my pelvic area. Yesterday even, Friday I had to stay home as I could barely walk or sit up. I have a long time to go though so I’m quite scared that my pain will get even worse, I guess will have to wait and see and I need to make sure I rest as much as possible.
This following week I have quite a few appointments. Yesterday I finally received via post the letter that confirm my appointment with the perinatal services team. It’s great and I’m looking forward to it but they didn’t give me a lot of notice….I received the letter yesterday and my appointment is Tuesday next week bang in the middle of the day at 12.30. I will have to go as I know that I need to but my work will not be very happy about it I think.
Then on Friday I have my appointment for glucose. Do you know that it takes 2 hours? I never had it done so I really don’t know how I’m suppose to prepare for it.
After on the 3rd of September my scan to identify if i have a fibroid or something in my kidneys….quite scared for that one….
Other news about the pregnancy….
Sleep is a must. Most days I fall asleep by 9.30-10.00. Oh…that happens when the baby doesn’t move to much though….and believe me baby moves a lot….and the kicks in the bladder make me go toilet countless times.
My sleep is disturbed by not being able to sleep as I wish too…I feel comfortable sleeping on my belly and now I HAVE to sleep on my side…left side to be more precise.
My nose is oh so very stuffy and my varicose veins make my knees and legs hurt badly. I’m happy my hubby loves me enough to give me a foot massage every night though.
My hair needs to be washed more often as it gets greasy really fast…damn…need to go for a cut…wonder when I will manage to do that…
I’m running out of things to wear…I seem to live in my black skirt with elastic and tops from Mamas and Papas.
I already started to find it hard to put my shoes on…..

Anyway…that’s all for now about my pregnancy…

To reward to readers of my blog and their kids I decided to run a giveaway for Usborne books. I used to be a distributor for Usborne…but about that and why I am not one anymore I will maybe tell you another time.
The books are new and they are worth about 20£.

For a chance to win these fantastic books enter the Rafflecopter below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck and wish you a wonderful week!

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