Getting too big !!!
I’m not happy today. You might say never happy these days…
Today I went on the scales. Last time I went on the scales was…3 months ago.
I wasn’t light then but this morning the scales depressed me badly 🙁
It showed 3 numbers. I think I might actually be heavier than I was in my last pregnancy at the same stage…
I don’t remember but I’m really disappointed…I thought i was doing everything right by eating healthy and not as much as the first time but….the scales show otherwise…
I almost cried….and to tell you the truth I might just keep of scales for the rest of my pregnancy.
I mean what’s the point?!? I will even upset myself even more…
No wonder my legs and ankles hurt so much. No wonder I can barely move…No wonder my back hurts like there will be no tomorrow…
No wonder my clothes are way too small for me…I might be size 20 when I finish with this pregnancy…
If this baby gets as big as my daughter was I will definitely have to go for a C-section. Thing that will probably really disappoint my husband.
For now I will have to try and deal with it as I have 13 weeks until my due date….
Fii tare! Si eu m-am ingrasat foarte tare la prima sarcina si chiar am mancat corect… Ma gandesc cu groaza la ce ma asteapta si pe mine! Important e sa fie bebe sanatos si bine dezvoltat, oricum nu ai ce sa faci… daca bebe creste prea mare e oricum din cauza genelor si stim cu totii ca nu te poti lupta cu natura.
Saptamana aceasta am fost sa fac niste analize si cand am intrat mai era o gravida in cabinet si asistenta ne-a zis sa nu ne facem griji ca o sa slabim imediat, ca ea a luat 10 kg si dupa ce s-a intors de la maternitate nu le mai avea… no shit!!! Imi venea sa mor! PS: La prima sarcina nu m-am cantarit deloc si cred ca am facut mai bine! Pupici and stay storng!
Never go on scales when you’re pregnant!!!It’s not YOUR weight but your baby’s plus all the amniotic fluid plus the liquid your body retains. You may not need to go for C-section, don’t worry for things so far ahead. Just avoid the scales, try to continue to eat healthy and keep focused on the most important thing:the blessing of a new baby!!!xxx
The Voice From The Abyss
You could never disappoint me sweetheart, never.
Awww – how lovely is your husband xxx Everyone is right – stay off those scales. You know so much of it is fluid retention and will disappear. You’re supposed to be carrying some extra weight as baby needs it. Give yourself a break darling – pregnant women are beautiful. Fact.
Never ever go on the scales. You are pregnant and you should get bigger, don’t be too hard on yourself. Hugs x
otilia stocks
Ok ladies and hubby. I will try not to go on the scales from now on….This baby looks like its going to be a big one now….So I. Ought need to go for a c-section in e end anyway…