My boogie and her bear-bear
Saturday. This day always feels better even though we usually wake up very early in the morning still for a weekend day anyway.
Last night I felt really really low but today is a new day and it looks like its going to be a nice weekend.
The weekend of course starts with you captions.
Here’s one picture that hubby took the other week with boogie:
Hope the caption will not be hard.
For more pop over to Mammasaurus for a bit of fun and jolly.
Jenny Paulin
Open air auditions for x factor got off to a good start x
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She does make a song out of everything so who knows 😉
c’mon everybody join in!!
I should be so lucky, lucky, lucky
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The Mini Mes and Me
The new green head band was larger than expected, and heavier – argh!
Actually Mummy...
Dou Doudou Dou Dou Doudou
Prepare to fly bunny!
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Oh I don’t think she will ever throw her bear-bear anywhere 🙂
Open mic at the park was off to a great start