Pregnancy diary - 28 weeks - Romanian Mum Blog
The weather is really nice this weekend isn’t it? Very sunny and hot. You wouldn’t think this is september in London. Anyway my week was…I’m not sure how to describe it…it was a bit sad as I found myself crying a little bit every day… The pregnancy hormones and my depression added together don’t help my state of mind. I had problems sleeping and my legs seem to hurt even more this week. The good news this week is that I received a letter from the hospital this week and my glucose levels are normal so gestational diabetes. This pleases me greatly as I was quite scared diabetes is in my family. Besides that I had my 28th week appointment with my midwife and all was well. I have no more traces of blood in my urine and baby is well. We still don’t know what we are having but I happy enough to be pregnant and feel my baby move lots. I even bought myself some new clothes from New Look: I bought the above and another white t-shirt for which I can’t find the picture on the New Look website. It has the logo “Hands off the Bump”! Buying clothes made me feel better. Finally a couple of the items I own are made from pregnant woman so I don’t feel that huge wearing them! You might see me wearing them next week actually. I’m pleading to buy more as I checked New Look website and they have a sale on. I need some more trousers,T-shirts and pants and bras too. I wish I had the money to buy everything. It’s weird how little things like that makes feel better about ourselves. Disclosure: I’ve not been paid to add the pictures with the clothes to my blog. I just bought some clothes that I like and wanted to tell my readers about it. All opinions are my own. Like this Article? Subscribe to Our Feed!