My top 5 pregnancy apps
When I was pregnant with my boogie I was using a Blackberry. A couple of years ago however I bought my first iPhone. So when I found out I was pregnant again one of the first things I’ve done(and hubby) was to download some apps to help us keep a track of what it’s happening with the baby and mummy.
With my first pregnancy i read a lot of books and I had a written diary. Plus I was checking Babycentre UK daily for updates. So as you can imagine what was the first app I downloaded on my phone isn’t it?
The order the apps are enumerated is aleatoric. These are apps I’ve been using since I got pregnant and I just thought it will be good to share them with you too.
Babycentre app – FREE- Like on the website you can keep a track on your pregnancy daily,weekly and monthly.
Why I like it? It just gives me what I need-short daily updates which sometimes can be funny and advices about the pregnancy, The app even has some great videos that show you the baby in the womb.
What else is great about this app? It gives you straight access to the community page on the website. If you are not using the monthly community page then you should! There you can meet other mums that going through the same things like you do because they are due in the same month as you.

Sarcina ta – FREE. I’m sure you know already by the name that this is a pregnancy applications in romanian. This app keeps me connected to my origins really. I’m so use to hear everything in English about my pregnancy that sometimes reading what it says its funny.
Why I like it? It’s the only pregnancy app in Romanian that I know and it’s simple. It even shows images with the baby in uterus – and it changes every week of course.

M Pregnancy – £1.99 – This is the app that my hubby is using. I find it really funny. It is comparing the baby in uterus with things like cap of a beer, a bottle of beer, a pizza or even a tire. Funny! It is good for guys because it keeps it interesting for them. So you can advise your partners to use it:

Pregnancy (The Smile Factory) – FREE- This app is beautiful. The images are really nice and so revealing. With this app you can keep a track on a weekly basis. You can make lists or add picture with your baby belly by month.

DK Pregnancy – £2.99 – This is the most comprehensive and detailed app I own. It has a daily guide and advices plus a separate Guides tab where things like details about Labour and birth can be found. I have to say that I read all of the advices and sometimes while on the tube I even searched stuff on this app and found what I was looking for. As soon as downloaded you can use it even if you don’t have Internet. I found this great.

That’s it from me though. I love my apps as they help me feel supported all the way through pregnancy without having to discuss problems with a human being.
Do you have an favourite app for pregnancy? I would love to hear from you although I don’t have long left until my due date.
Maybe you can share some baby development apps otherwise.
I wish I would have had some of these wile I was pregnant!
otilia stocks
They are brilliant isn’t it? 🙂