Pregnancy diary week 33
Guess what? I have some new pictures with my bump! Thanks to my husband that is!
Hubby took quite a few pictures but i really don’t like how i look in any of them…I mostly don’t like my face so here is the picture that i chose to show you with my bump:
As you can see I’m quite big…and the stretch marks are quite clear on the sides of my bump. From my first pregnancy the stretch marks doubled! I guess that is normal and it suppose to happen. Hopefully they will fade a little bit after the baby arrives.
Other things that happen this last week:
– my pelvic started hurting quite badly and at the end of the day it can be quite hard to put one foot in front of another – I guess this will only get worse as the pregnancy will advance;
– back aches too but fortunately hubby rubbing it makes me feel a LOT better;
– my hands and feet get quite swollen and I can’t get off my rings off just in case I will have a c-section; I don’t remember if they took them off the first time but people say I should;
– today I had my obstetrician consultant appointment and apparently baby is fine and not big and up to this moment there is nothing stopping me from having VBAC;
– at the appointment they found protein in my urine too which combine with my swollen feet and hands is not very good but apparently my blood pressure is completely fine; I do need or they need to keep an eye on it as if my blood pressure is going up you know what it means-preeclampsia…and I really don’t want this too happen! But how can you avoid it really? Any advice is really welcomed.
– my baby girl is still positioned transversal and she will hopefully move soon head down;
– this Friday I will finish work which means that from next week onwards I am free to do whatever I want for about 5-6 weeks – oh well at least in the morning when my daughter is at nursery.
This is for this week. Hopefully all will go well and I will get to have the really wanted VBAC! What I really really want is for it to be a water birth but the doctor said that could to happen…I will have another appointment with the obstetrician at 37 weeks and hopefully the news will be better then.
Not too much longer, only 7 weeks! I’m not planning on having my 2nd anytime soon but I am planning a VBAC too! 🙂
Natalya, Ruff House Art
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I know it’s not. I feel quite anxious though 🙁
You are almost there! I hope you get to have your VBAC!
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Thank you Barbara. I hope so…
Si eu am nascut prematur din cauza tensiunii. De obicei aveam tensiunea mica. In timpul sarcinii am avut picioarele foarte umflate, acum, la a doua sarcina, nu am voie sa mananc sare deloc, e foarte greu, incerc sa nu pun sare pe nimic, dar e foarte foarte greu…
Apropo, aici, in Romania nu am auzit niciodata sa nasca cineva pe cale vaginala dupa ce a facut cezariana… how come?!
I can imagine how you feel. I reckon babies position doesn’t make it any easier for you. I hope you get spoilt rotten before leaving work tomorrow, start to put your feet up from midday :0)
Cute bump! I think we must be about the same size. Are you using anything to keep bump moisturized? It will help with the marks but from what pic you don’t have much it fade in time.
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Yes I did get spoiled.
Thank you. I am using two products baby oil and the Johnson spray new thing. They are good but I know that as much as they will help they will not entirely stop the marks…I guess it’s one of these things…lol
Older Mum
That’s a fantastic picture of your bump. Really glad to hear its going okay – and crossing my fingers that you get the VBAC! X.
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Oh thank you hon. I really struggled to find one that didn’t reveal too much grrrh x
Big hugs x
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Thank you Susan!