Pregnancy diary 38 weeks
For about a week and a half now the Braxton Hicks I am experiencing got stronger and stronger. My baby moves lots as well although the space is not as big. It feels really crowded actually and the pressure baby puts on my bladder and my pelvic area is enormous, and it hurts! My nights been really bad as well. I am barely sleeping because I of the BH and because the trips to the bathroom are so blood often.
Anyway this afternoon the pains started to be stronger and at 5 pm when I went to see my GP she told me that baby is almost fully engaged hence the pressure I am feeling.
She gave me maximum 2-3 days but not really a week.
Now I don’t know what to think…should I believe her!?!
I mean my pains/contractions keep coming and going although they are not really painful. They hurt and I might have 5-6 an hour. I am trying to relax and just wait patiently for the real labour to come.
Unfortunately I don’t have a picture with my bump but I hope that before the new Baby Stocks arrives my husband will take a new picture with me.
I managed to pack my bags although not sure if I have the right things in there…plus the clothes that I wanted to wear at the hospital are now in the washing machine and there is no chance to dry them fast because the boiler is not working properly. So no chance for heating or proper showers/baths! Typically! We are lucky our apartment is not cold and although I’m sitting here in my short sleeve nighty on I’m not cold.
It’s so annoying that I forgot how the proper contractions feel like! Last time my water break first and then bit by bit my contractions started to get stronger and stronger, this is what confuses me at the moment…
Did you know that the water doesn’t have to break for the baby to come out? Check put the you tube video below – be careful it displays a lot!
I so wish I could have a water birth! But according to the hospital policies this is to possible. I will have to be monitored as I had a c-section before.
That’s it from me now. If anything else happens I will make sure I will keep you I’m the loop!
On another note on 1st of December I will start posting some of the guest post I received from some of you lovely bloggers with their birth stories.
Depending on how many I have I will post 1-2 a week.
However I do need more so if feel kind and would like to help please send me your birth story –
Also I am looking for mums and bloggers that would like to share their stories about antenatal or postnatal depression. So please contact me if you are a blogger and would like to write a guest post for me.
I this an awesome video. discovered when I was pregnant with Angelo. I’m hoping for a water birth this time around, now that I have an idea what to expect. Its now a count down for us, good luck!
otilia stocks
I hope you do have a water birth! I was told i can’t have one unfortunately but fingers cross for you!