Sleepless night and a stubborn poop!!!

It’s 1 am and I’m cuddling up with my 3 year old daughter on the couch. We are watching Angelina Balerina at the moment. We are here because my daughter is in pain…She cannot sleep because she’s constipated…and she cannot poop! Until now she’s been sleeping on and off…and waking up screaming in her sleep. We are both really exhausted…
She’s constipated. I know…such a simple thing can stop a child from sleeping. My daughter doesn’t like being dirty and she obviously hates pooping too! She says she just doesn’t like it…that poop is smelly and disgusting…
God I’m so tired…
From what I gather the reason she cannot poop right now is because she has a blockage at the moment. There’s stuff coming out but not enough….
So we put a glycerine suppository in. She didn’t like it but at least with that her pool will loosen up and come out. Hopefully.
I’m 36 weeks pregnant and sleeping on the couch with a 3 year old is not appealing.
Hubby is in bedroom. He needs sleep as he is going to work tomorrow.
Oh dear I’m so tired I’m falling asleep writing this….
At least my little boogie is more relaxed watching cartoon. But oh my….I feel so tired….

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  • Anonymous

    I have a child with the same problem. Try putting her in a warm bath, so it will help her to relax. Then she won’t fight it as much. It works for us! Also, try feeding her apples and any kind of raw or cooked green vegetables. It will help to soften things up a bit, so it won’t be so painful. Good luck! 🙂

  • Anonymous

    One more thing: if she isn’t good about eating green vegetables, try putting them in smoothies.
    I recently found your blog and enjoy your postings. Thank you for sharing.

  • oana79

    Pompite si schimbare de dieta urgent ori sa fie si mai rau…eu ti-am zis de data trecuta de pompite. Si multe capsuni,pere,pepene galben, supe. Fara banane, mere, piine prajita. Sper ca s-a rezolvat cu supozitorul dar schimbarea de dieta trebuie facuta imediat.xx

    • otilia stocks

      da. stiu iubita. pompite nu stiu unde sa gasesc din pacate…..capsunile s-au cam terminat sezonul din pacate…mancam sanatos dar nu ii place sa faca cacuta. cateodata e ok cateodata nu.
      a mers cu supozitorul pana la urma x

    • oana79

      Iti trimit eu daca vrei. Eu inca mai am doua cutii de data trecuta cind am avut probleme. Daca imi trimiti adresa pe ti le trimit si azi, cu placere. Stiu cit de dureros e, eu cu Emma impreuna plingeam. Pup. Cind vine bebica, nu mai ai mult de acum.

  • MsXpat

    Oh no poor girl. My son had one bought of constipation once and I give him a product called Syrup of Fig along with the suppository. It worked well. Try increasing her water and fruit intake and perhaps distraction tactics when if comes to loo time so she does not clam up when the urge comes.

    Good luck.

    • otilia stocks

      thank you for the suggestion for syrup of fog. i think i did use it before. i think it is my fault as i didn’t pay enough attention to her diet this week 🙁 being 36 + weeks pregnant and with a cold and toothache is not fun at all 🙁

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