Baby A on the way part 2
Hubby tried to write this as my right hand has a needle for water in it. However he couldn’t as he need it to take care of me.
Anyway here is how things progressed from the 30th:
– 11pm – 3 am – I was on the Carmen suite trying to rest and sleep. The contractions were mild but they kept me awake most night. The trips to the toilet helped too.
– 3 am – 4 am – hooked on the CTG again as the contractions were coming more often and the MW wanted to know if I’m in labour or not. Not the case.
– 4 am – 6am – slept with the help of paracetamol;
– 6 am – woken up by one of the husbands on the ward with a very loud and Annoying snore;
– 8 am – last time I saw the lovely Margaret my MW; she said goodbye…
– 8 am – 10.30 am – spent mostly chatting on twitter and one of the mum on the ward;
– 10.30 am – husband arrives
– 11 am – more monitoring from the new MW that explains that only of I want a C-section then the DR will come up and discuss;
– 13.00 – going down to M&S for a real coffee with hubby and to meet, my sister and my little one;
– 14.30 – hubby, sister and daughter leave to go to the swimming lesson; I stayed with mum and walk up to the ward ;not doing much once upstairs;writing the first part of the labour;
– 17.00 – 19.00 – hubby,daughter and sister arrive to spent time with me;all was a bit too much noise for me; the ward ladies receive lots of visitors too and one of the has a last that sings religious songs:(; DR’s arrive as well and we discuss my options; despite them offering the drip to kick start the contractions I decide to go with the original plan: if I go into labour naturally and then give birth so be it or otherwise will be section in the morning; had so many interventions in first pregnancy that simply don’t want for everything to be the same and end up with a operation anyway;
– 19.00 – family leaves – pretty emotional; they start to monitor me over CTG and they notice I’m dehydrated so they have to put a drip in for water;
– 19.30 – the drip goes in after a couple of attempts – it was that bad that I cried 🙁 – she put it in the right hand which means I can’t type properly on the phone…;
– 20.00 – she takes blood in case of section and checks my cervix – only 2 cm dilated so no active labour; stops my monotoring;
– 20.30 – Margaret the MW arrives to check on me and I thank God that its her;
– 21.00 – I’m moved to a new ward by MW and start to be monitored again;
– at almost 22.00 – hubby arrives an contractions are closer and a lot more powerful; until about 24.00 the contractions are really powerful and a doctor comes to see me too 1 turns up he was Romanian. He explains that there is no room at the DS but it is fine to be at the Carmen suite under monitoring them.
– 24.00 – MW checks me again and sees that still only 2 cm dilated;
– 24.00 – MW moves me and hubby into a room where it will be just the 2 of us. I can contract freely and can rest;
– 24.00 – 4 am – lots of contractions with baby moving lots and pushing in the pelvis;
– 4 am – checked again and although I contracted like nuts still only 2 cm do we prepare for the eventuality of a section;
– 5 am – very tired and in pain I’m administrated pethadin so that I can have a rest and sleep;
– 7 am – woke up and go toilet; something bloody comes out – the mucus;
– 7.30 am the medication starts to wear off and Margaret tells me that she will leave at 8am; I will be checked again after 8 and I will hear when I have a c-section probably after 9;
– 7.30 – 8.30 am – contractions started to be a lot more powerful; hubby falls asleep on my bed while I’m on a comfy chair writing this;
– 8.30 am 2nd dec – still waiting for news….
Wow, you are one strong mama!
Katie Vyktoriah
I wish I could give you a big hug, hold your hand and make it all easier for you. But you know I’m thinking of you and sending lots of happy thoughts your way and hoping you’ll get going and have that baba in your hands SOON. xx
It was all worth it though I bet!Congratualtions xxxx
Have been thinking of you lots! I hope you bounce back on your feet quickly once baby is here!
COME ON BABY!!! Please tell me she’s here. Been hooked on your blog waiting for news!!!
otilia stocks
Thank you for your words ladies xxx