Getting used to new things
I’m taking lots of pictures at the moment. Especially with Baby Anastasia. The majority are when she is asleep even though it doesn’t happen very often 🙂
We are still trying to get used to the new ways – sleeping, keeping quiet and so on. Kara – my boogie – is a lot better that I thought she will be. Not very jealous which is quite good. She is still a very demanding toddler/child as this is the way she got used to be I guess – spoiled. Hopefully thing will fall in place and we will all function smoothly shortly. Starting next week my husband is going back to work so i will have to look after both my girls. I’m really scared but hopefully it will be fine.
For now here are my favourite picture with Baby Anastasia this week:

I’m linking this post and the pictures with the #SocialPix linky over on Love all blogs.
Oh Otilia she is beautiful! Those little hands! I’m in love!
Glad to hear things are getting a bit better with Boogie too – Merry Christmas to you all xxx
otilia stocks
Thank you Annie. She is a lovely baby indeed. i wish she would cry less though..Merry Christmas to you too!
she is very beautiful!
Otilia don’t be scared – it will be hard but you will get through it. You are strong and you are a great mum and remember when things get tiring – it’s not forever.
Happy Christmas XX
otilia stocks
Oh hon thank you for your nice words. I am trying to stay sane as much as i can..and you guys help a lot!
Cat (Yellow Days)
She is just gorgeous! That fist day on your own is so nervewracking but you’ll be fine. x
otilia stocks
I hope! I believe there will be a lot of cartoon for boogie 🙂
beautiful baby bautiful mumma x happy christmas x
otilia stocks
you are too kind! thank you hon xxx
She’s an angel :0) I had a trial run being at home alone with the kids this week. It was tiring but not as bad as I had feared mainly because Baby V is pretty chilled out. That said when hubby returns to his mental schedule I’m not sure how I’ll manage on a regular basis. I’m praying hard for strength to cope.
Here’s hoping that your time at home with the kids alone will not be too challenging. Enjoy Xmas season :0)
Beautiful baby 🙂 My tip would be to be out and about as much as possible – I used to go to playgroups, 1 O’Clock clubs, etc. every day – toddler would play and baby would sleep in a sling or just lie on a playmat. We lived in a flat as well and nr 2 was born in the winter so playgrounds and being outside wasn’t an option but your neck of the woods has lots of free kids play places so use them 🙂
Older Mum
Really, really beautiful girl! XXX
She is gorgeous and I LOVE the name Anastasia x