Saturday is caption day 1/12
The picture i am sharing with you today is more than 3 years old. I used to have dressing up my daughter since she was only a couple of days old. In the picture below she is 4 months old and probably quite annoyed with how many pictures her mummy was taking.
Would love if you could give us a caption for it too.
Mummy – I said the bow OR the frilly dress, I’m not doing both!
Whadda ya mean I look like my daddy?
The Mini Mes and Me
One more picture mum or I shall ram that camera…
who loves ya baby!
Erica Price
If I see that camera again mum, I’m going to ………..
Sonya Cisco
Just you wait til the middle of the night…then revenge will be mine!
Briony Kellegher PhotoMummy
I’m sooo not impressed
Jenny Paulin
what you looking at??