Still in hospital…

Hello all. My husband took the above picture yesterday. You can see my hand and my newborn daughter foot. In case you didn’t see the updates on twitter and Facebook just wanted to let you all know why the blog is not updated so often at the moment. I’m in hospital since Sunday as I became Ill and then they discovered I’m septic, Monday my newborn daughter joined me and she immediately start having fever so she is now under observation and given antibiotics.
Please bear with us and pray for us. We are hoping that we will leave the hospital this week.
Hopefully you will hear from us soon x
Erica Price
I really hope you are both better soon. It doesn’t seem fair after that long labour ending in caesarean to be readmitted and then your daughter to be ill too. Thinking of you both. xxx
Hugs and hope you are both better soon. Thinking of you x
Awww honey. Praying for you. Big kisses to you and Little Miss x
Oh, sper sa nu fie nimic prea serios!!Fa-te bine ca sa se insanatoseasca si pitica.xx
Big hugs!! I hope you all start feeling better soon.
Get well soon and you will be in our prayers.
Jaime Oliver
sending massive hugs and best wishes to you all. I hope you both improve quickly and return to good health soon. xx
Mummy Plum
Sending the very best well wishes to you and your daughter. Hope you’re both well and home again soon. x
Katie Vyktoriah
Oh honey, I am so sorry you are going through all this. 🙁 I am thinking of you and sending you biggest hugs and cuddles. I hope you both improve soon and get to go home. xx
Older Mum
Oh my goodness! I wish you and your beautiful girl the very best, and I hope you are home very soon. Thinking of you. XXX.