Dahl recipe

In a request to try and eat more healthy hubby and I decided to try and cook without meat as much as possible. This is why I cooked this Dahl.

1 cup red lentils
3 cups water
2 Tbsp oil
2 onions, chopped
2 cloves garlic
2 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp ground tumeric
2 tsp grated root ginger
1 tsp garam masala
1 tsp salt

So start by boiling the lentils in water until tender and mushy.
In another pan heat oil and cook the onion, garlic, cumin seeds, ground tumeric and ginger. Fry until onion is tender.
When the onion is soft, stir in garam masala and salt and remove from heat.
Add the onion mixture to the cooked lentils, and simmer together for five minutes, boiling fast if mixture needs thickening, or adding more water if it’s too thick.

You can serve on a bed of rice and top with plain yoghurt like you can see in the picture above.

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