My wishes for 2013

I’m not the kind of person that believes in resolutions. I believe in change. And I know that change takes time. Sometimes more than a year.
This is why I make wishes. Wishes that I’m hoping to back up with the strength to change things in my life.

β€œTo improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.”
― Winston S. Churchill


So here are my Wishes For 2013:

1. To become a more relaxed and positive person, mother,wife,being – I’ve been way to stressed and depressed the last couple of years;
2. To become healthier by eating healthier foods and being more active;
3. To get rid of my pregnancy belly and my big tights – everything is really wobbly;
4. To enjoy life with good and bad;
5.To pamper myself more;
6. To take time for myself and just for me
7. To take a leap of faith and decide where our life as a family is – Romania or England or maybe somewhere else;
8. To find what is that makes me happy work wise and go for it;
9. To dedicate more time to my husband and take breaks – just the two of us; we didn’t have a getaway alone In 4 years;
10.To accept myself the way I am.

I think that’s it for now. If I think there is anything else I would like o add I will comeback and do so.

Do you have resolutions or wishes for 2013?

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