Always Diet
Mummy can’t eat cakes anymore.
Mummy needs to go on a DIET!
God how I hate this word!
But there is no other way for me….it’s either DIET or FATNESS!
I am cursed with genes that will not allow me to live a life without watching what I am eating.
It’s true. The only one that is a normal weight in my family is my sister.
I want my girls to grow up healthy so i will say goodbye to cakes, bread and alcohol.
I am going to try and eat as healthy as possible although my sin is not the fact that i am eating bad things. We don’t. I just eat too much. I eat because it makes me feel better….but it doesn’t…
So from now on i will watch the calories i am eating. Apparently i am to eat 1800 calories in order to lose weight that i want to lose.
And believe me there is a lot to lose! I have about 40kg to lose to go back to what i was weighing before i had Kara. Yup I am round!
When i came to England after I got married i used to buy clothes size 10-12 for tops and 12-14 for bottoms. Now…I am ashamed to say I am struggling to find any clothes size 16 that fit me…
Last week i had to buy underwear size 18-20 from Primark! I know I never thought it will ever happen!
I have big legs and tights! I have a big belly! Some people might say that i am PREGNANT!
So that is that! Enough is enough!
Any advice is more than welcome please!
Eu cred ca faptul ca vrei o schimbare este cel mai important pas. Eu ti-as recomanda renuntarea la piine si produse din griu de orice fel(prajiturele, paste, etc). O dieta sanatoasa cu multe legume si fructe. Introdu si uleiul de cocos la gatit, ajuta la slabit. Bea cite un pahar de apa calduta ca lamiie dimineata inainte de masa. Si mergi pe jos cit poti de mult.xx
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Multumesc Oana. Super greu sa fac o schimbare dar sper ca usor usor voi reusi xxx
Metropolitan Mum
You’ve got my sympathy! I find it very hard to eat healthily whilst looking after Lil’ L and her baby sister. I don’t watch what I eat, but to be very frank, I eat way too little. Not a good diet, especially as I am breastfeeding.
Anyway, I am going to start a healthy eating plan next week. I will get food delivered for three weeks and hope to have established a good routine after that – and that I’ll be able to stick to it and not fall back on my sandwich and coffee regime. Have a look at, or They are not cheep, but absolutely worth it.
Good luck!!
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Thank you the suggestions hon. My bad is the fact that I eat on the go. And in the evening I eat too much 🙁
Can’t do the food delivery as I’m moving to Romania for a while.
I will need to try and do it the old way I guess: less bread, no sugar, no alcohol…
Weight is any issue for many of us. Can you diet when breast feeding though? Best to seek advise on what’s the best option. Perhaps just use portion control for now and its warming out so soon you can go out with your two gorgeous girls for long walks etc and that will certainly help. Don’t despair :0)
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Thank you hon 😉 yes I know I can’t diet while breastfeeding but like you say portion control is the way to ho for now. Plus no sweets 🙁
New Mum Online
I have lots and lots and lots of advice but am currently a size 18 so I need to put it into practice before I dare to be so cheeky as to give someone advice.
Hopefully we can spur each other on.
Liska xx
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Yes Lisa! Lets be a team and lose weight together!
First of all – let go of the word “diet”. If you want change it has to be a change for life and trust me, once you’re used to healthy eating, it becomes “for life” without much effort 🙂 I would join Weight Watchers to begin with and only after initial weight loss start thinking about cutting out some things completely. Right now it will be too hard I think to cut out sugar completely… For example… Anyway, did you see my posts on what I eat – would that be doable for you? Also, taking photos of your meals and snacks really helps in seeing what you’re doing wrong and what you’re doing right 🙂
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I’ve done weight watchers before and i am not sure it works for me. Dukan does and it is easier to do it with kids i think.
I can’t dream about giving up sugar like you just yet i don’t think…
But the idea with taking picture with my food is great and i think it will really help! Thank you. I might do it a daily thing.