An empty room…
Tears are running down my cheeks…
Hubby just sent me a picture with an empty room….

This is the place where we lived the last 3 years. And now Is empty…
I will miss our small London apartment.
I will miss the time we had there as a family….
First the three of us…
And then the four of us…
iLife of memories are running through my head…
Good or bad I will remember them all…
This is it.
The chapter of flat 3 in Penrith street is now over.
We will never go back….and I never been able to say a proper goodbye.
Kara will remember where she spent her first years of life in England.
Anastasia is just a baby so she will never remember…
Emotional is not an enough word to describe how I feel..
As humans we fight the change I know. But this change for me is just a bit too much….
Look there’s no cakes or crafts on the kitchen table…..

And the bedroom looks so dark….and there are toys on the floor…

I’m sad and hubby says I should be excited but I can’t…
It almost feels like mourning….
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Karen - The White Approach
oh no ! Such a sad post. What happened ? I’m not in touch anymore.
I hope you have moved on somewhere where more happy memories will be made xxx
otilia stocks
I hope happy memories will come. Every second I spend with my girls is happy. I’m just not sure about the rest though 🙁
Leaving a home is never easy, but I can’t imagine how hard it is to leave a home where children have lived. It is a kind of mourning but you will soon be excited I’m sure x
otilia stocks
It’s a very strange feeling to mourn a home though….very strange….
Older Single Mum
Oh Otilia, I’m so sorry you’re gone. It’s the end of one chapter, but the beginning of another already. I wish you even more love and happiness back home xxx
otilia stocks
Hopefully it will happen somehow or I might just be back at the end of he summer!
Oh poor you 🙁 I hope you look back on happy times and look forward to a new future
otilia stocks
Thank you honey. I hope so…
Ahhh Otilia I can see why you feel so sad by this but try to focus on the good times ahead – and all being back together again x
otilia stocks
I am trying so much but it is just so hard especially with this bloody leg!
FromFun ToMum
Look at the past and shed a tear, but then please think about all the excitement that the future holds, wherever that will end up being. hugs x
otilia stocks
Thank you hon xxx I will try 🙁
Mary Key
Oh honey, that’s so sad. Your must try and remember the good times and make lots of happy memories where you are now! sending just the biggest hug and kisses for you and the girls x x x
otilia stocks
Thank you hon big hugs back xxx
Cheryl Pasquier
One door closes, another opens xxx
otilia stocks
Well said 😉
Perfectly Happy Mum
I would feel the same if we had to leave our home. This is the place where I lived every day of both my pregnancies, where they were brought home and did their first steps. It is hard to look back but there are lots of very exciting moments to come xx
otilia stocks
Yes I know. I will feel much better if my hubby will be here with us though…
Older Mum
Big hugs lovely lady!!!! It is always sad to leave an old home behind. But your heart will store all the happy memories. X.
otilia stocks
I know because you move too. How is it for you at the moment?
Big hugs back xxx