Baby A loves Bubbaroo Joey Swag sleep bags

Ever since I had my first daughter 4 years ago I knew that I will never use blankets in the cot. I remember seeing the words SIDS in all the books that I read about pregnancy and babies.
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), also known as cot death, is the sudden, unexpected and unexplained death of an apparently well baby. – source NHS
I start using baby sleeping bags with Kara from the age of 2 weeks only and she loved it.
In the first two weeks I used a swaddling blanket but even then I remember sitting next to the of scared that something will happen to my little girl.
However Kara didn’t really enjoy it and I was concerned about her rolling on her front or the swaddling blanket coming over her face.
I didn’t want to even allow the chance of something bad happening,
I forbidden my mum to smoke while she was with us – although bless her it was really hard for her – and start using sleeping bags for a safer sleep for me and the baby.
And then surprise surprise my little baby girl loved them! She slept in a sleeping bag until she stopped using nappies during the night and sleeping in the big bed.
Now she is 4 we are not using them anymore but when she sees her baby sister using her old sleeping bags she’s a bit jealous and says she wants to be a baby again.
As you can imagine when Anastasia was born we didn’t even talked about swaddling or blankets we just start using sleeping bags straight away.
And Anastasia accepted them very happily too but all her sleeping bags were from her sister so when the lovely people from Bubbaroo offer us one to review I was more than delighted.
Sincerely before I received the email from them I never hear about the company but after checking their website and seeing the beautiful light and natural colours of the sleeping bags I was even more delighted.
I was also impress to see that Bubbaroo products are 100% cotton exterior and interior.
For Anastasia we chose the “Delicate Pink” colour and look how super it is:

I could even dress a little boy in it but don’t worry you can find proper boy colours on the website too.
The price for the Joey Swag starts from £24.95 and depending on tog/size needed the once goes up.
As you will see on the website Bubbaroo founder is Nicole Casey. She wanted to create a functional and stylish sleepwear to swaddle her first child Jacob after failing to find a suitable product.
Now, besides a very cool swaddling blanket – Joey Pouch Swaddling Bag – the Bubbaroo range includes the Joey Swag Sleep Bag, Bubbaroo Blankie, Joey Plush Toy and Baby Face Washers.
Overall the Joey Swag Sleep Bag is a very good quality and Anastasia seems to love sleeping in it. I was a bit concerned about the zip because my baby sleeps on her front but it turns out that is nothing to worry about.
I love the fact that my baby doesn’t sweat in it although it is very hot outside these days. I guess is also the fact that I am using the proper tog size too.
Now I apologise I didn’t take any pictures with Anastasia wearing it but it is quite difficult to do it when she goes to sleep. The only thing she wants is to feed and sleep.
Hopefully I will be able to take some soon and update this post.
I recommend this sleeping bag to all the parents for their babies as it is the best choice when it comes to quality and safety.
It might be a bit pricey for some but believe me it’s worth it!
Disclosure: We receive a Joey Swag Sleep Bag in exchange for this post.
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They do look cute and comfy. My kids didn’t seem to take to sleep bags and I found them a hassle for 2am nappy changes.
Good to know uour baby girl is enjoying her sleep. Mine still not sleeping as well as I would like, sigh…
otilia stocks
It is quite easy to change the nappy during the night though. If you don’t have an explosing in it though…LOL
Thanks God she sleeps and she doesn’t wake up duringthe night either 🙁 Hope Val’s sleep will improve soon!