Crepe Paper Christmas Trees

Making Crepe Paper Christmas Trees

This years Christmas crafts seem to have a theme: crepe paper!

So while making the Christmas wreath i thought that a good idea was to make Christmas trees as well.

My eldest liked them and she even had a go on producing a small version one.



  • white thick drawing paper;
  • gold&silver crepe paper;
  • transparent glue;
  • double stick tape;
  • shiny gold yellow string;
  • scissors;


Make the cone out of the thick drawing paper. Stick the side with double side sticky paper.

Cut any extra paper so that your cone can sit on the table. If you are happy with the shape start cutting long streams of gold and silver ( in case you want to make them just like mine).

The streams should be about 1” thick.

Put double stick tape at the bottom rim of the cone. It has to be about as big as the streamer.

Wrap around the base trying to take the paper up on the cone.

I used some glue to make sure that the paper stick properly to the cone but every time i was adding a new paper stream I would put double sticky tape first. Add enough paper so that there is no white paper left in sight.

At this point because I added quite a bit of transparent glue i let it dry and in the meantime i cut little pieces of shiny gold string for the all silver cone and prepare the top of the cones too.

As you see on both I used gold crepe paper. All you have to do is wrap a stream of crepe paper on top of the cone and stick it with double side stick tape. On the silver one I left it exactly as it was but on the gold&silver one i used a pair of scissors to frill it.

Couldn’t be simpler than this and of course you can use any kind of paper you might want.

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