Eggless Pizza Recipe
Pizza is one of my girls favourite food to eat so at least once a week i turn on the oven to make some.
However when it comes to kneading i am not very good at it but i keep trying and trying. When i finally managed to replace the yeast with baking powder and the Yeast Free Pizza i also discovered that my 1 year old is allergic to eggs.
Yeh not a good allergy isn’t it? Although i know that there is no good allergy…everything has eggs in…
So what was left to do?
Well, what does a mummy blogger do when she needs help?
She asks for help from her fellow bloggers of course!
So I asked and my question was answered – CHIA SEEDS – suggested by the lovely Lacey from Cured Confection.
I googled what I had to do to replace the eggs with the chia seeds and i’ve done it and the result was really impressive!
If you would like to see the actual recipe you only need to go back to my Yeast Free Recipe and if you would like to see how to substitute eggs with the chia seeds read below.
1 egg replacement
– 1 tbsp of chia seeds grinder in a food processor or a pestle & mortar until they are grinder really finely (as you can manage above i didn’t manage it very well but it was still fine)
– 3 tbsp of water
All you have to do is to put the grinder chia seeds in a bowl and put the water on top and mix. Let the composition sit for 5 minutes or so or until the texture becomes goopy.
That’s it and it works better and it tastes better than the actual egg i swear! All you have left to do is to make the rest of the dough and add your favourite toppings. The one above just has a lot of cheese and tomatoes and that’s about it.
that looks very interesting, I love Chia seeds, have you tried Chia seed pudding, I blogged about it ages ago, bit like tapioca pud 🙂
tapioca…hm. never heard of it before. must try.
Sara (@mumturnedmom)
That sounds really interesting, and it looks really tasty! #TastyTuesdays
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thank you. i need to make some soon
oooh now that sounds interesting, never heard of chai seeds before. Looks lovely
it's chia seeds 🙂
Wow what a fab recipe and although it's a challenge, once you get used to cooking without egg, it will get super easy! Beautiful photography too! Thanks so much for linking up to #tastytuesdays, hope you can join in again x
thank you so much. and you are right, once you getting started it's all good!
I have never tried these seeds. They look like a great alternative to eggs though. And yummy too. Dropping in from #tastytuesdays
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yes. and it is better for all of us overall anyway.