I am the kind of person who like stability and change disturbs me out of my way. It makes me feel restless and conflicted. It makes me wonder constantly if the things I am doing are the right ones for me, my family and our future.I was born and lived until I finished high school in only one city. This is why I thought that after I will get married my life will be in only one city and country. It didn’t turn out to be like that.
As you already know my life is a continuous change and as I said change is hard on me.
It is so hard to be an adult. It is hard taking decisions that affect other people lives. Our kids lives to be more exact.
If we had no kids then we wouldn’t mind so much the place we are.
But we have two wonderful daughters and we love them so much and want them to have the best future they can. And if we want to contribute to this future as much as we can. It is important to offer them the best place to be and the best opportunities by being in the right place.
Our family’s been separated for almost a year now – thousands of miles away of each other. It’s been good and it’s been bad all at the same time. But most off all we miss each other like crazy.
I have my girls and my girls have their mummy. But daddy is so far away and although we see him every couple of months it’s not enough.
Family means unity and love. We need to be together to be happy but money strains make it very hard.
Is it worth being comfortable but apart? Is it worth suffering? Being here means I get to spent every day with my girls and that it is wonderful and I am so grateful for it. But…for daddy means being away from his girls 9-10 months a year.
Is it worth scarifying a couple of years apart now for an uncertain better future together later?
I don’t know…
My eldest is definitely happier when daddy is around…
I hope it all works out for you Otilla. Life can throw all sorts of curves at you. Hang in there. x
I think as a parent there is always conflict. What good for us, whats good for them. Whats good for you and your partner.We can only do our best and hope it all works out in the long run. I see joy in your daughter's eyes, so you can't be doing badly :0) she is so adorable! Sending you a hug from across the pond :0)
Aw bless you lovely – it's so hard isn't it x x
We never know what consequences decisions made now will have on our lives, all you can do is look at the information you have available now and follow your heart x
My recent post Valentine’s Day – Rum Truffles Recipe
SO hard for you, hope all becomes clear soon, big hugs x
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It is so hard to know what to do 'for the best' so try and be logical and work it through together. Hopefully the path to the future will become clearer for you soon x
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Liz Burton
It's so hard to know the right thing to do for your family. I hope it all works out for you x
My recent post Quick Reads – fall back in love with reading
Oh that must be so hard for all of you.
My recent post Longer School Hours Shorter Holidays What a Relief
Gosh that does sound like a dilemma and I don't envy you. Ultimately you will do what is right for all of you but I do hope that it works out
I agree that making decisions as adults for our families can be very difficult. I feel for you at the moment and I really hope that things work out for you all. #BinkyLinky
I am also someone that needs stability and I find it hard when things do not feel stable. Unfortunately, money is a big thing in everyone's lives. It is hard to know what to do for the best, especially when children are involved. I really hope things look up for you soon x.
My recent post Special Memories
Thanks for linking up #binkylinky
Kerry - CruellaLaville
It does sound so difficult and I don't think that there will ever be a right answer.
The precious time you do get with your husband & the girls with their daddy must be so incredibly special.
If it's providing you all with a better future hang on in there xxx
Sonya Cisco
Oh it must be so difficult. I miss having the support of my OH if he goes away for a weekend. Must be hard on you all, especially you!
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Jude Hurrell
Wow, what a dilema, I can only imagine how hard it must be – poor you. I hope you find a resolution that makes you happy and doesn't cause too much upheaval soon. Good luck. #blinkylinky
BakedPotato Mummy
I know just how hard this is. My husband moved to Dubai for a job in May last year, just days after Potato turned 1. We miss him very much and I know he misses us too. But like you, it means I get to stay home and raise our family. Sending you lots of love xx
Thanks for linking up to #binkylinky
My recent post Silent Sunday 16.02.14
I can't imagine how hard it must be for you. Sending hugs xx