Number 7
Every 7 years my life changes dramatically…
A bit more than 14 years ago I left my hometown for the capital of Romania to study.
7 years later I met my now husband and within less than a year we got married and moved to UK.
7 years later saw me coming back home with two kids…leaving their father abroad. Money situation and strengths made us take this decision.
And if I tell you that in numerology my Life Path is 7 would you think I am just obsessed?
I am born on the 25/09/1980. The numbers added together 2+5+0+9+1+9+8+0=34=3+4=7
If you add up only my birth date the result is still 7.
Life path 7’s have a clear and compelling sense of themself as a spiritual being. As a result, the life path 7 is devoted to investigations into the unknown, and finding the answers to the mysteries of life.(source)
My husband’s date of birth is…have you guess? Yes it is a 7 too!
Weird…don’t you think?
Through my whole life the number 7 haunted me though. All good things happen to me on a 7.
I was really happy when I left my hometown to go to university and when I moved to UK.
Don’t get me wrong I was happy when I came home too although like with any change things happen in one’s soul and changes are hard.
Being a “stay at home mum” in the last 8 months or so…I had time to go through a full range of feelings.
From full on happiness to despair…from joy to tears…from laugh to sadness…deep sadness when I almost didn’t want to talk or see anybody.
There were moments when I was so tired I was living for the moment when Baby A will go back to sleep so I can go back to sleep again.
There are weeks when I simply don’t go out if my father takes Kara to nursery and my mum takes Baby A for a walk.
Days after days when all i’ve done is to…wake up…still tired…wash and brush if kids were not too demanding…prepare breakfast…send K to nursery…feed Baby A…put Baby A to sleep…change nappies…feed…cook…etc…etc…etc…and spend time online with my favourite people…you know who you are…and talk to husband in the evening…
But I think that in the last month or so though my mood change. It might be the fact that I am now on a diet and I have a different kind of will to do things. It might be the fact that Baby A is now walking and kind of talking and is more fun playing with her. Plus she only sleeps about two hours a day so I have to entertain her.
I even go out…although not as much as I wish I did.
But things are changing. I am hoping(or not) that my life will change a bit earlier than 7 years though. We have to be a full family sooner rather than later.
I’m planning to make this year the year that I make all those things I’ve wanted to do happen, and Lloyds Bank have made a great Facebook app to help us with life’s big decisions.
But for now….I enjoy spending 4 hours in the morning in my pi’s drinking co
ffee and playing with my girls and not hurrying out of the door and running after a bus.
I enjoy crafting and baking with my girls rather than running reports and attend meetings and late evening in the office.
Being a “stay at home mum” is not such a bad thing after all.
Signed: The one that spent 75% of her time in an office away from her family.
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oh wow, your girls are really lovely! seven is a lucky number you know xx
Changes happen when you want them to happen and make them happen. You don't need numbers to determine a change in your life x
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Sonya Cisco
I have 7 year gaps between each child! My Mum calls them my 7 year itches, but seeing as I will be 45 by the time Syd is 7, I am not planning on repeating the pattern again!
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So glad you're feeling happier. It must be so hard being on your own with the kids all the time but a special opportunity too. X
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My number is 9, I'm so glad your feeling better xxx
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