Spring Salad with Italian Dressing
I am sure I mentioned that I am now trying to change the way I eat in order to change the way I look. Only lost just a bit over a stone in the last two months but I am on the right path. I was hoping to lose a bit more weight but there were times when I indulge myself to eat cake and chips so i should not complain I guess. This salad that I am telling you about today is one that I’ve been eating quite a lot these last couple of months – easy to make and healthy and even my girls enjoy eating it.
I am still a long way from reaching my goal weight but I guess I need to be more patient.
Basic Ingredients:
- Lettuce
- Spring Onion
- Cucumber
- Radishes
Extra ingredients(you can add one or two or even more but don’t combine the meats):
- Cherry tomatoes
- Chicken slices
- Tuna
- Leak
- Croutons
- 4 tbsp of grapeseed oil
- 2 tbsp of apple white vinegar
- 1-2 tbsp of lemon juice
- 3 tbsp of low fat yogurt
- 1 clove of garlic grated
- 1/2 tsp sea salt
- a sprinkle of pepper
- 2 tsp dry basil
Cut all the basic ingredients and put them on a plate or in a bowl whatever you prefer. I love this salad with just 5-6 slices of chicken breast and a hand of croutons. I do leave the croutons but don’t always eat them as it is bread after all.
Mix all the dressing ingredients well and then pour over the salad. Make sure to taste the dressing before though to be sure you like it and if you need anything adding to it. Also you might like more or less so don’t pour it all over.
Grapeseed Oil Benefits and why I chose to use it:
Grape seed oil is extracted from the seeds of grapes, typically wine grapes. The oil is known for being light in color and flavour, with a hint of nuttiness. It is a polyunsaturated oil, and contains beneficial compounds such as linoleum acid.
Grape seed oil has several important health benefits. It is a good source of essential fatty acids and vitamin E. The polyphenols and flavonoids found in this oil contain strong antioxidant compounds. Most of the grape seed oil health benefits can be attributed to the presence of these nutrients.
read more about the grape seed oil
Would love to hear if you made this salad too. Or if you have any other recipes would love if you could share them in the comments below.
Would love to hear if you made this salad too. Or if you have any other recipes would love if you could share them in the comments below.
One Comment
Well done for losing a stone in two months! I'm so proud of you 🙂 Eating lots of veg is so good for you but grapeseed oil actually isn't – it's extremely high in polyunsaturated fats – fats that our bodies cannot deal well with at all. Switch to good old olive oil for salads and butter for cooking (don't heat olive oil, it doesn't tolearte high heat & breaks down).
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