Skinny Tomato Soup
Two and a half weeks ago I started a new diet in my fight with the extra kilograms – Dukan Diet. I was on it before I had Anastasia and it worked and because everything failed me this time around I went for it again. And I have to say that it works again – I already lost almost 6 kilograms which is really good. Not sure if I will keep on going on it although I should because it’s summer and I really miss fruits!
Anyway the reason I am writing you is because I wanted to share this skinny tomato recipe with you all! If you are fighting with extra kilograms like me and you are also on dukan then this recipe is perfect for your Protein + Vegetables days.
4-5 ripe fresh tomatoes
1 garlic clove
1 red onion
1 small zucchini or marrow
1 carrot
1 tsp dried basil
1 tbsp of olive oil
500 ml vegetable stock
salt & pepper to season
1 tbsp cheese 0% fat(optional)
- Peel and was all the vegetable ingredients.
- Put a big enough pan on the hob and add to it the oil and let it get warm.
- Using a food processor, Â chop the onion, carrot, zucchini and garlic.
- Add the chopped vegetables to the hot pan and cook well until the become soft about 6-8 minutes. Mix continuously as because there is not a lot of fat they can burn fast.
- Add the tomatoes which you already mashed in the food processor. Let them cook a couple of minutes and then add the vegetable stock.
- Let it reach the boil and then reduce to heat to medium.
- Add the dried basil. (You can of course add fresh if you have but I didn’t have any fresh so used dried)
- Let it simmer with a lid on, Â on medium until it reaches the boil.
- Stop the heating and let it sit for 10 – 15 minutes.
- Season with salt and pepper.
- Using hand mixer mash the ingredients so it doesn’t have any vegetables whole anymore. If you like to have pieces though leave it as it is.
- Put it in a serving bowl , add the cheese on top and EAT!
If you are not on a diet you can of course eat it with crutons but if you are on dukan diet like me then you will know that the crutons are forbidden unless they are made out of the ingredients permitted.
And of course to help me through with the diet I have started a Pinterest Board to and if you would like to check it out see below:
Follow Otilia Stocks’s board Dukan Diet Inspiration on Pinterest.
If you are on a the dukan diet too I would love to hear from you with anything you have to share tips or recipes.
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good luck on your diet Otilia!
I’m 38 weeks pregnant with my second child,really feeling so fat and miserable now!
I can’t wait to start the ketogenic diet after giving birth.(vezi Andrei Laslau).
O zi frumoasa!
but soon you will have that bundle of joy in your arms and it will be perfect. Don’t worry about the extra kg. they will come off 🙂 will have a look at Andrei Laslau too x