#Homemade lollipop #chocolate

Homemade Chocolate for little hands



My girls love chocolate! Well, all kids love chocolate don’t they? And mums! I love raisins and nuts chocolate from Caldbury but my girls favourite is the milt one. Although I am not one of those mums that is not allowing her kids to eat sweets and chocolate I do make them portions. If the chocolate is bought from a shop then one square after lunch is quite enough. This is how my idea to create our own chocolate at home came up! First I thought that making it in a tray like my mum used to is ok but then my mum recipe contains a lot of butter and sugar so immediately decided I was against it.

I also try to reduce the amount of sugar in everything as much as I can as it’s just not that good. So when I can I replace sugar with honey or agave syrup or even stevia – although I noticed that the little ones don’t like the taste of stevia that much.

I bought the silicon shapes ages ago – to tell you the truth I don’t even remember where from…hm..might be Lidl and most certainly they it was on sale. I must confess I buy a lot of stuff sometimes just because they are on sale. Anyway don’t you think they are cute? The sticks came with the silicon case but I am sure you can also buy them from any supermarket.

Scroll down for the recipe  🙂

Chocolate on a stick




1 cup unsalted butter (try and find the lowest fat content one)

2 cups of unsweetened cocoa powder

1 cup of skim milk powder

1 cup of Agave Syrup ( or confectioner sugar)


Melt the butter in the microwave or on the hob. Add the cocoa and milk a little bit at the time and mix well. If the composition becomes to hard then add the agave syrup too. Try half of the syrup first. Add the rest of the cocoa and milk and mix well until all very well combined.  If you didn’t add all the syrup add it now and mix well.

Take the mould tray (if you don’t have hearts you can use anything you might have) and lay the lollipop sticks in each of the moulds. Using a dessert spoon pour the chocolate mixture in the moulds making sure the stick doesn’t sink in.

If you would like add some sprinkles or white chocolate as kids would love it! Mine did for sure.

Stick them in the freezer and take out with 10 minutes before you want to eat.

I like the fact that they are a bit cold so my girls can lick them but taste like chocolate. One little chocolate lolly heart is enough to make them happy!

#Homemade lollipop #chocolate


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