Facebook newsfeed update
I don’t normally write posts like this but I’ve been reading a lot of social media articles recently and felt that I want to tell you my opinion too.
Over the past 5 years I’ve been falling in and off in my affair with Facebook. As most of my real life friends are also on Facebook I felt that sometimes I had to spill my thoughts to the world without being criticised. This is why I use to love twitter so much..the conversations I used to have on Twitter for hours and hours.
But then I discovered that I could do the same thing in Facebook Groups if they are Closed or Secret. And as the threads were a lot easier to follow I started to spend more time discussing things in them.
However, as a blogger I also use Facebook for other things than just pure personal. I use Facebook to promote my posts and maybe get people to come and visit my posts.
Over time Facebook change it’s algorithms many time – sometimes their algorithm did nothing for my blog Facebook page and sometimes it help promoting it.
From what I understand from their latest update on the 14th of November starting with January 2015 we will all see less posts promoting sales, competitions or app downloads in our newsfeed. But that will not mean we will see less adds.
As companies are increasingly using their Facebook pages to promote their businesses through enticing competitions that also required for the normal user to like their Facebook pages the people at the social media platform thought it was time for a change. Facebook first measure was to stop companies/bloggers using the “like my page” to enter a competition is now telling us they will also stop the promotion of competitions in our Facebook newsfeed unless that are promoted through adds…
Facebook exact words:
This change will not increase the number of ads people see in their News Feeds. The idea is to increase the relevance and quality of the overall stories – including Page posts – people see in their News Feeds. This change is about giving people the best Facebook experience possible and being responsive to what they have told us.
While Pages that post a lot of the content we mention above will see a significant decrease in distribution, the majority of Pages will not be impacted by this change. For further guidance, we recommend that Pages refer to our Facebook for Business post here.
So we will have to think our posts to the blog Facebook pages even more.First we will have to see what are the exact posts that work for our readers and then be a lot more CREATIVE in the way we tell our story and promote our posts.
Funny enough I was just thinking to start some Facebook Competitions soon. Should I still do it? Or rethink it and do it on my blogs?
Or should I do it and pay Facebook for promoting my competitions? We will all end up paying for everything in the end…oh Facebook is never enough is it?
New app that I can’t wait to trial on and that I am downloading as I type is the Facebook Groups App! It’s great! And it looks pretty cool too!