Milestone Moments – Having a New Baby
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It has been almost six and a half years since I found out I was pregnant with my first baby…A rush of emotions came over me and the questions…”Are we ready for this?”, “How will it change my marriage?”, “How will I feel when I see my baby?”, “I wonder…will it be a boy or a girl?”.
But then as the weeks were passing by and my baby bump started to grow and show more and more we started to ask ourselves different questions and also worry about the future. We were both older than our parents were when they had us, which means that by the time our girls will be able to take care of themselves we will be a lot older than our parents used to be.
Parenting comes with a lot of joy but it is something that is also making us more aware of the dangers that can happen. This is why we chose to make sure that, even if something bad will happen to us, our girls will be protected. We don’t have a life insurance as such but through our private pension and college funds (for the girls) we also have protection like life insurance.
There are lots of companies out there that offer different types of insurance but Aviva pays special attention to parents and their needs through their videos that showcase ‘Milestone Moments’ in your life. The video about Having a Baby is full of good tips and information so I recommend it to all my readers, especially the ones that are preparing for the arrival of a new baby:
With my first I bought everything new, but with my second I was smarter and, like they say in the video, I went to a lot of charity shops and NCT sales to find bargain clothes and toys. As a blogger I was even lucky to get a buggy in exchange for a review, so there was a lot more saving with my second child. I am concentrating more on ensuring my girls have a good life rather than splashing out on expensive toys and clothes. I am concentrating on offering them love and my time and that is more important than anything else.
How about you? Do you have life insurance?
Aviva in their latest aim to raise awareness of the protection needs amongst UK families have introduced two videos that will explore key life stages where people may start to think about life insurance.
One of those monumental moments in your life is the birth of your first child but it could be anything else like getting married or the purchase of a new home. So for all of you where your life is about to change or has already been through a major change…Aviva wants to hear from you.
Aviva wants to know which of the moments in your life have had the biggest impact. All you have to do is hop over to their Facebook page and enter the competition #milestonemoments. The competition is already open and it finishes on 14th of November. Lucky participants will stand the chance of winning £250 worth of high street vouchers!
So important to consider financial security when children come along. It can be a strange thing, to discuss life insurance, wills etc, but vital to get it all in place as soon as possible and then it’s done.
That is great advice. We finally got life insurance when we took out a mortgage. We still really need to sort out our wills though.
Boo Roo and Tigger Too
We still need to sort our wills out, one of those things you don’t think about until something bad happens
Sim @
It is the first thing I looked into when I became single! It was at a time just before the prices went up too so was happy about that! Definitely something that should be considered.
Ali at
I’m on it… I said I’d sort it all out once we got married, and that’s two years ago now! Thanks for the reminder 🙂
Agree with Trish, so important but daunting, we did it early on, but the will is still outstanding 🙁